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Angel Sanguine


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One of my apprentices of the hobby store painting course just started an Angel Sanguine army.

I think this Chapter has a very cool painting scheme, keeping together the strong Blood Angels red with the always good looking black.

I also like the perspective game: depending on the watcher's point of view, the unit seems all black or all red, changing all the time.


I painted a test model for him, to be used as reference point for the rest of the army.


I post it here to know if there is something to change or improve for the next models.

Or, based on your experience, if should he pay attention on any details in the future.


Thank you!



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Nice job! As a fellow Angels Sanguine player I always love to see people using the colour scheme. I do have two sugestions though.


1. The brass/gold on the detail looks really cool for the most part, but on the ropes it looks a bit off. They're clearly intended to be real rope as metal wouldn't move like that, especially the fraed ends. I'd recommend using something like kommando khaki with a graveyard earth wash on them instead.


2. The edge highlighting is a bit overdone. The colour is too light, so it looks like the marine is wearing black armour wih a grey trim rather than reflective black power armour. I'd suggest one of two approaches. If you want to stick with the edge highlights I'd use a darker colour for the most part (1:1 chaos black and shadow grey maybe) and paint much finer lines. Neaten it up with chaos black afterwards and maybe go for a lighter highlight on the uppermost edges, thinking where the light would fall naturally. Especially on black, which is quite unforgiving, edge highlights are kind of like NMM, you have to think about where the light would naturally glint off. If you want to keep the shading basic, I'd suggest adding a touch of bleached bone or shadow grey to your black, highlight/blend it as you would any other model, then give it a few washes of Badab Black to flatten it out.


Overall, I love the model, you've kept the halves really neat and done a good job with the yellow helmet which is a really hard colour to do.

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