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Furious Trifecta


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Hi all. I've been lurking for a bit.


Steadily building up a DoA list that features three Furioso. They are nearly finished.










I'm going to replace the storm bolter with a heavy flamer on the Furioso, and then it's just Highlights, touch ups and varnish..


Let me know what you think.

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Thanks. due to bad photography skills, I had to tweak the saturation on the pics a bit-made the reds brighter than they really are, (still pretty close though).


The Talons were primed gray, washed with GW purple wash, and a watered down wash of chain mail, then Vallejo purple and offwhite were painted on, without thinning at all, with a very fine tipped brush into lightning bolt patterns. The edges of the talons and the tips were further highlighted with very watered down offwhite and chainmail.


Hope that helps.

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