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Death Company Rage Questions


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Today in Game 2 of a team tournament a couple of situations arose with the Death Company.


First, Rage says you must move as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy unit. What happens when my Jump Pack equipped DC are only 6" away from an enemy unit? Do they jump over the unit because they move as fsast as they can or do they stop short?


Second, how does Rage influence Hit and Run? The Hit and Run move is not explicitly stated as a consolidation move, which would be limited under Rage.


In our game we played you stop short and the Hit and Run move was influenced by Rage and thus only good to break from combat.

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1) You stop short, they move towards th closest enemy unit, and stop 1" away from them due to movement rules.


2) H&R isn't affected by Rage at all, since Rage only ever forces you to do something in the movement phase and at the beginning of the assault phase, and H&R is performed in the end of the assault phase.

Feel free to H&R 18" away if you manage to roll that high.

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You can use Run to get a D6" move where ever you want to go, and as they don't have fleet, you may not make an assault move. I think that is more control than most people think and you should use Thunder Hammers or Powerfists in the event you are still to close to move away from a unit.
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The short list on Rage:


1. You must make a full move towards the closest visible enemy.


2. You can run, but if you do it must be towards the closest visible enemy.


3. In the Assault Phase you must consolidate towards the closest visible enemy.


Hit & Run isn't a consolidation move, therefore none of the three conditions stated apply. Loophole? Maybe, but it is RAW. As for condition 1, jumping over them would cause you to move away as you pass over the unit, therefore the move isn't valid. As stated before, you move to within 1" of an enemy model.


Take note that under no circumstances is charging required. You are also not required to charge the closest enemy unit.

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Take note that under no circumstances is charging required. You are also not required to charge the closest enemy unit.


That actually changes quite a bit in my eyes, and makes them more playable, not complaining since my 8 DC's with chappy took down 29 orkboys and Ghazkull yesterday when I thought I had to charge if they could.

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Also, do not forget you must move the unit as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy unit.


The concensus usually is that if you move your closest model as fast as possible towards the closest model in the enemy unit you are forced to move towards, you have fulfilled the Rage USR. The rest of the unit can then move how they want as long as they keep coherency with the first model.


A large discussion was made in the OR Forum here on B&C about it, and that was the resulting concensus that came out of it. Though many people disagree because it isn't very fluffy, the alternative (each model needing to move seperately as fast as possible) creates an unplayable blob of units that never breaks from Base to Base after turn 2. The rule is written stupidly that way but it specifically uses the words "unit" and not "models".

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