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The Black Rage


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Currently I am running a squad of four death company with Lemartes, the Sanguinor, and a Furioso Dreadnought inside of a Stormraven. However, I'm having a bit of an issue concerning the black rage, as the Sanguinor and the Furioso do not have this rule. Also, if I remember correctly, there was an article posted on the games-workshop website that said that if there was a chaplain, or Corbulo, within 6" of the Death Company, their black rage is sated. Will this work? Is there any way to nullify the part of the black rage that involves the Death Company moving towards the closest enemy? It's not too much of an issue, but it would be nice.


Also, side question concerning Lemartes and a few other units... they seem to have relentless, but for the most part carry a standard bolt pistol. What exactly does Relentless provide to those units that carry non-rapid fire weapons?

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Rage cannot be sated in this edition. Previous editions let chaplains allow you to control your DC like any other squad, but no more. Relentless just makes it so your troops always fire as if they were stationary even if they have moved. So for DC this pretty much only applies to their bolters as their other options are pistols and are unaffected. If they have heavy bolter options or missle launchers they would be able to fire those on the move as well, but they do not. And rage makes you move to the closest enemy in line of sight, meaning people can kite you by moving units out from behind cover and what have you to force you to move your troops in certain ways. By contrast you can block DC LoS with transports to move them how you want. Or you can keep them in a transport until the last second as the transport is not affected by rage. Sanguinary priests, to include Corbulo, have basically no effect on the DC as they already have furious charge and FnP.
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Ok ...well first you cannot have the Sanguinor in the SR with the DC... he is NOT an IC so he cannot join them. Secondly nothing can block/stop the rage affects, but they are not a factor when the unit is IN the transport. So the SR can move anywhere you want, towards whichever enemy you want.


Finally relentless won't really buy you anything with pistols, but if you took bolters, you could shoot (up to) 24" while moving, and then still even assault.

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That's the problem... Lemartes carries only a pistol, and he has Relentless. What exactly does that do for him?


I assumed that regardless of being an independent character, the death company still worked to make that work for him. What units do work then? Assault squads at least?Regardless, seems odd that the Sanguinor isn't an independent character, seeing as in fluff he's supposed to appear from the warp itself, alone, to rescue the Blood Angels from oblivion in combat.

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You just explained why he is not. He his not a leader, he is a beat stick that comes out to help those with a mission he feels is worthy. That is why he is a unit of one, and not an IC. And yeah, the relentless is pretty much wasted on anyone with a pistol and close combat weapon.
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Lemartes is an upgrade character that cant be singled out in close combat which makes him pretty good and since hes a chaplain he gives you the ability to re roll hits and wounds (liturgies of blood). All Death company come with relenteless, feel no pain, and furious charge so lemartes gets that to because that's just how they roll.
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It's for fluffreasons, as already stated.


And you have to buy squad of DC (so at least 3 DC) to put Lemartes in, so you cannot deepstrike him by himself.

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It's in no way pointless. If the company has bolters, he, and by extension they, would not be able to charge after rapid fire. Now they can.


He was talking about Lemartes, who has a pistol making it pointless for him.

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No it's not, as it would keep the entire squad from charging if they have bolters and fists. Which death company with fists has. Jeez.


And besides, who said you can't fire a pistol twice?


The rulebook said pistols cannot fire twice. But anyway dude I think you are just missing the point a little. The 'Relentless' rule does not have the '*', meaning that even if Lemartes didn't have the rule, the rest of the DC could still use it. Further Lemartes comes equipped with a pistol so he gains no benefit from the rule at all... in other words it is 'officially' pointless for him to have the Relentless rule - but as he is sort-of a DC anyway they gave it to him.

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Well, since he isn't an I.C, we could leave it at that he needs the rules which his squad has in order to function. After all, rules wise, he is just one hell of a fancy sarge.


Yeah that's true he isn't an IC... though I still think by the rules if he didn't have it, the DC would still not be affected (unless he had a bolter of course)... but that is a mute point anyway.


And I really thought pistols could be fired twice of being stationary. Guess it's just leftovers from 4th in my head.


Yeah it seems like pistols and rapid fire have changed in every edition. <_<

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And I really thought pistols could be fired twice of being stationary. Guess it's just leftovers from 4th in my head.
Yeah it seems like pistols and rapid fire have changed in every edition. :lol:


Bolt pistols can't double-tap from 6"???

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And I really thought pistols could be fired twice of being stationary. Guess it's just leftovers from 4th in my head.
Yeah it seems like pistols and rapid fire have changed in every edition. :)


Bolt pistols can't double-tap from 6"???

Pistols used to be able to double tap if they didn't move. Now, they are assault 1 weapons that can act as close combat weapons.

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