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Kit'ed Dante and his Friends WIP Updated 6/27 Finals

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Hello fellow BA Brethren. This is my 1st WIP posting, and I just felt like sharing. My project started out with the idea to build a more modern Dante (cant stand the older models) and quickly turned into Dante, plus some guys to use with him. So without further ado, here is my take on Dante and his Honor Guard/Vanguard as the need arises.




Honor Guard





Banner Bearer


Sang Priest


* All model are going to be running JP's , which will help out their look (especially Dante and the Priest.) I'll keep updating as they come along. Thanks for looking!


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Hello fellow BA Brethren.



I love these models/poses! If it was me, I'd put an Inferno Pistol on this guy, and call him my Counts As Dante and the two swords explains the master-crafted weapon. He just looks like he's so ready to lay a beatdown on someone.

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i know theyre WIP (nice poses btw :D) but the armor strikes me more as bronze then it does gold...is this intentional? (or is the armour missing a final coat or something? :) )



The armor color is intended, I wanted something different from metallic gold (a color I hate.) Also, I've used sang guard parts, but won't run them as such due to their loadout. So while it may not match the fluff exactly, it will still give Dante and his unit a distinct look on the table. Hope this clears it up a bit.



Also... I have the advantage of never claiming these were NMM gold. ;)


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Have you got a recipe for the armour? It looks awesome!


The poses on these models are so good. Im also loving the 'non metalic' look as heck the armour.. And yes, do u have a recipie for the armour?



Sure Brothers,


I actually can't claim originality for the scheme, as I pretty much lifted it from from fellow B&C alum DezartFox.


1.Grey Primer

2. 2 coats of sepia wash

3. thin coat of bone on areas that you want to look lighter on the armor, as well as on the areas you want to "pop" (wings, drops,etc.)

4. wash of sepia

5. wash of devlan


After that i went back over any areas with bone that i wanted to bring out more, and then re-washed those areas with sepia


* Taking DezartFoxes advice on the washes is key here. Heavily Pool the wash on, don't "paint" it on. Make sure you let each layer dry before carrying on. Have fun!



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They ALL look great, but I found a couple of things that may not be represented correctly. At least not yet as the project is not finished. ;) Disclaimer: I can give a rat's tookas, but in official tournies, WYSIWYG reigns supreme. Dante is missing an Iron Halo; HG - as referred to in C:BA - wear PA, not AA; and as much as I love that Sang. Priest, he can only be used as the Elite choice version because of his upgrades. The Honour Guard's Sanguinary Novitiate can ONLY be represented with: PA; BG or Bp; Chainsword; F&K grenades; and a Blood Chalice of some sort. ;) Otherwise, IT ALL LOOKS GOOD TO ME!!!
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They ALL look great, but I found a couple of things that may not be represented correctly. At least not yet as the project is not finished. :P Disclaimer: I can give a rat's tookas, but in official tournies, WYSIWYG reigns supreme. ;) Dante is missing an Iron Halo Our beloved Chapter Masters Iron Halo will be featuring in future updates... Trust i've got this one covered :); HG - as referred to in C:BA - wear PA, not AA Per our fluff, all our marines have more ornate and personalized armor than say your standad fair marine, so like I said, sang Guard parts, Honor/Van rules.

; and as much as I love that Sang. Priest, he can only be used as the Elite choice version because of his upgrades. The Honour Guard's Sanguinary Novitiate can ONLY be represented with: PA; BG or Bp; Chainsword; F&K grenades; and a Blood Chalice of some sort. ;) To be honest, i'm still unsure as to what to do with mr. Priest. I had the Sang bits layin around,wanted to use em up, and went for the Bad :P axe. Now I happen to have a chain axe or 2 around as well, so if i can figure our a way to combine the two.... we'll see Otherwise, IT ALL LOOKS GOOD TO ME!!!


* Blue Bold emphasis mine


All good point Sang. I totally agree with you about WYSIWYG, and I dont play tourneys much. If I end up fielding these guys, it will mostly be in friendlies anyway. Keep checkin back for updates Brother



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I'm back again brothers! This time we have the semi-finals of all the models;all that is left is their bases. I tried some new techniques on these guys, and I think some went great, others... just ok. But i'm more than happy. The armor is my favorite, along with the poses. I tried some power weapon effects on the blades (just ok imho) and glowing jump packs ( again just ok.) I had fun re-inventing Dante. All in all a fun project. I may actually look at getting these guys in some games... we'll see. C&C always welcome, anything that strikes ya, i'm always looking to improve and put feedback to use. Enjoy!










Priest - After much thought and consideration, I decided to do a weapon conversion on the Sang Priest. I did it mostly so I could WYSIWYG him in my HG squad. Still have some misgivings about getting rid of that axe though... :huh: Anyway here is is with his "chainsword" and Exsang conversion.




*More shots and angles available in my Gallery. Enjoy!

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