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Bad @ss Jake's Apoc Post


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Brothers, I have just returned to my house from the biggest Apocalypse game I have ever been in. It was only 60,000 points, but it took over 14 hours and was the most Epic game I have seen so far in my 15 years of gaming. It was Imperials vs Orks and nids. I will have many pictures in the morning, but I had to say something tonight.. Dante literally held the line (an objective by the way) for the last three turns againts 30+ genestealers singlehandedly, He got the charge, survived the next assault faze, and performed a Hit & Run perfectly.. It was AWESOME not only that but I dropped 6 Furioso Dreadnaughts in Lucius Pattern DPs on the back of the ork lines and took out my fair share of digga st sompas and 60+ orks.. Glory was brought to the Father of our chapter this day


PS. The Deathstorm Tank formation decimated 'nids left AND RIGHT

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One more day for Picutres! sorry but my card reader busted so i have to get a new one in the morning. Please be patient, i looked through them again and they're pretty Epic
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t-minus 3 hours until pictures Brothers!! I shouldnt have teased you like I did, but the card reader for the camera I have I had to track down a City away.. My mortal brother is on his way with it now..
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...there will be a riot if those pics aren't up soon.

i've already got my pitch fork ready, all i have to do is light a torch.


A pitchfork? Torches? What are we, heathens? We have fire arms and flame throwers!!! :devil:

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I was more refering to what is in my closet right now, but if you are talking about our space marine armies, then yes, yes they do. Or do you mean computer virus bombs? In which case I am gonna have to plead the fifth. :tu:


On an actual serious note, if we can have such a thing, how are the picture uploads coming along. We got this big build up and I am feeling a bit let down by no shiney things. Come on man, we are gamers. We live for shiney things!!! Ohh, getting a dirty look, I think I am supposed to be taking a test or something right now.

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