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Newly enlightened follower

Cold Fire

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I have recently acquired the CSM Codex and 2 boxes of 10 CSM.


Having had a quick flick through the codex I was disappointed by the lack of images of the different main Legions, but also with the lack of legion specific rules.


Before I start putting them together and painting them, I am undecided between painting as the Black Legion or the Word Bearers. Could someone enlighten me to the main differences, other than colour scheme, and if they conform to different styles of play. For example do they both field Korne Berzerkers, Plague marines etc. Does one lean towards snooty or CC.


Sorry if this is a bit of a noob question, I am a complete Chaos noob. These are as a change from painting my IFs.


Thanks in advance.

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Long story short, BL use KB and PM, and WB use them less (ie. they are not main core of the legion), but can ally with those with ease. Pick your choice, and don't worry, chaos players anyway play using the same boring list all over.
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Before I start putting them together and painting them, I am undecided between painting as the Black Legion or the Word Bearers. Could someone enlighten me to the main differences, other than colour scheme, and if they conform to different styles of play. For example do they both field Korne Berzerkers, Plague marines etc. Does one lean towards snooty or CC.

Black Legion are the "all-rounder" Chaos force. They use a wide variety of troops and cult units. Word Bearers will also use a variety of troops, but are more interested in the daemonic aspects of Chaos.


Sadly, in the latest Codex, Word Bearers are one of the most ill-equipped legions. Daemons suck, and all other "daemonic" options (with the exception of Daemon Princes) are quite lame.


Chaos players anyway play using the same boring list all over.

Well, you don't have to use the same list, but it is true that there are very few "good" choices left in our Codex <_<

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Well, Word Bearers definitely lean more towards the SNOOTY side than Black Legion, since the Word Bearers consider themselves priests. Black Legion just consider themselves bad-a**es.


Of course, you could paint your army in the following manner and still be completely within fluff:

HQs: Doesn't really matter, paint them however you want for either Legion, since they'd both field Lords and Princes, though WBs field fewer Sorcerers.

Elites: Terminators, Dreadnoughts, Chosen paint as Black Legion, Possessed as Word Bearers.

Troops: Basic CSM, either, but if they carry an Icon of Chaos Glory, they should be Word Bearers. For the rest, either paint them as their starting Legion, or pain their bodies as Black Legion with their heads staying as their Legion.

Fast Attack: Raptors as Black Legion, Word Bearers on bikes.

Heavy Support: Havoks as Word Bearers, everything else as either Iron Warriors or Black Legion.


Then just have a unifying patch somewhere to unite the army.

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Thanks for the info.


I might paint the 2 squads of CSM as black legion then. I just wanted something different to paint, as most of the CSM I see are always black.

Looking in the Codex I might just create a new colour scheme and say they are splintered from the Black Legion or a newly corrupted company of SMs. Would that work in fluff terms?



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Thanks for the info.


I might paint the 2 squads of CSM as black legion then. I just wanted something different to paint, as most of the CSM I see are always black.

Looking in the Codex I might just create a new colour scheme and say they are splintered from the Black Legion or a newly corrupted company of SMs. Would that work in fluff terms?



You can paint your figures whatever colour you want. :blink: There are loads of splinter warbands and renegades in the galaxy. Since you mostly see black legion I'd advice you to start your own gang to be unique.

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You can paint your figures whatever colour you want.

Paint one CSM for each of the original legions, plus a Red Corsair. Have them lead by Black Legion Champions, and give each model a look of their legion. That'd be kickass, but take AAAGES

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Thanks for the info.


I might paint the 2 squads of CSM as black legion then. I just wanted something different to paint, as most of the CSM I see are always black.

Looking in the Codex I might just create a new colour scheme and say they are splintered from the Black Legion or a newly corrupted company of SMs. Would that work in fluff terms?



You can paint your figures whatever colour you want. :lol: There are loads of splinter warbands and renegades in the galaxy. Since you mostly see black legion I'd advice you to start your own gang to be unique.


Thirded. Use the SM Painter up above to help you get a good idea of what you think is cool, it can even help you find paints to create your scheme. Heck, if you wanted to drive someone nuts at your shop, you could even paint some like the army of the most annoying guy there. I'd only do that if he's being real assinine, though. You could even make Hello Kitty Plague Marines if you want, and that would be technically fine.


Just remember, these are your models, not anyone else's. We can give you pointers and say what we think is good, but in the end, you're the one who builds, paints, and plays with them.

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Thanks for all the input.

I have taken your advice and decided that I will create my own Renegade Chapter called the Talons of Aargon. They reside on the world of Aargon which is in/near the Eye of Terror. Not sure if they worship just one god or are undivided yet but I have used the painter and come up with this scheme. What do you think:

Thanks for all the input.

I have taken your advice and decided that I will create my own Renegade Chapter called the Talons of Aargon. They reside on the world of Aargon which is in/near the Eye of Terror. Not sure if they worship just one god or are undivided yet but I have used the painter and come up with this scheme. What do you think:


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Of course paint your army any way you want, but I'll just give you a heads up that painting that "checker board" type paint scheme is a pain in the arse and each model takes a long time.
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Of course paint your army any way you want, but I'll just give you a heads up that painting that "checker board" type paint scheme is a pain in the arse and each model takes a long time.

Spray primers and Foundation paints help.

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Well I am going to prime them all but will start with just one test mini and see how I go. I am not too bothered about it taking a long time to do as long as it looks good in the end. Not looking to play with them in an immediate rush.

I also have a MK 4 Forge World Dreadnaught that I am trying to decide whether to paint it as IF or Chaos it up for these guys.


On a Side note have I read the codex correct in that each CSM has a Bolter, Bolt Pistol and a CCW I.E. a Chainsword?


Just want to know from a modelling perspective.



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I also have a MK 4 Forge World Dreadnaught that I am trying to decide whether to paint it as IF or Chaos it up for these guys.

IF, Chaos Dreads suck, you'd regret it for a LONG time.


On a Side note have I read the codex correct in that each CSM has a Bolter, Bolt Pistol and a CCW I.E. a Chainsword?

Yep, so we get Bolters and the +1 for two weapons.

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