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Arming the Death Comapny


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Also could people give me their opinions on my choice to arm my 1st DC unit to the teeth!?

I kno most people are keeping it simple for points sake but do you think my choice of weapons are bad? All opinions all welcome as I haven't played for a long time so basically im a begginier again.

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Also could people give me their opinions on my choice to arm my 1st DC unit to the teeth!?

I kno most people are keeping it simple for points sake but do you think my choice of weapons are bad? All opinions all welcome as I haven't played for a long time so basically im a begginier again.


If you don't mind spending the points then I don't see that anyone can object. It's your army! My only comment would be to lose the hand flamer on the fist guy as he won't get the extra attack. Give him a bolter instead. Also, I personally don't consider hand flamers to be worthwhile but YMMV.

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So why do you think handflamers aren't that good? I think I'll keep them as I've already put the models together unless you think it's a big mistake to keep them!?


Also do you think getting rid of the two boltguns and adding in a couple of plasma pistols or infernos pistols would be a good idea? I just feel like after arming these guys to the teeth I may as well give them all special weapons

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So why do you think handflamers aren't that good? I think I'll keep them as I've already put the models together unless you think it's a big mistake to keep them!?


Unless you manage to regularly find tightly packed groups of T3, low armour models I think they are a waste of points. Even if you do manage to find such opponents, you're giving the flamer to the Death Company, who will make mincemeat of them anyway!

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Generally, I wouldn't bother with more than 1/2 the Dc having weapons upgrades and hand flamers I wouldn't use at all. Better to just keep the bolter in my opinion.
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Right, I've got rid of the two hand flamers so should I just keep it at the two with infernos pistols and the Chaplin with the plasma and have the guy with the PF use a boltgun and the other 3 bolt pistols or do you think I could throw in another plasma pistol or would that just be a waste of points?
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Right I've swapped the 2nd hand flamer for a bolt pistol and im gonna have to do a quick conversion putting a DC bolter onto a right DC arm for my powerfist guy.. Thanks for the help fellow followers of sanguinus.
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Whoops, I didn't notice that. Ok so I've got it down to one infurnus pistol.. So what about my Chaplin? He already has a plasma pistol, can he still have that if one of my seven dc an infernos pistol?
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Whoops, I didn't notice that. Ok so I've got it down to one infurnus pistol.. So what about my Chaplin? He already has a plasma pistol, can he still have that if one of my seven dc an infernos pistol?


Yes, he's an IC so the limit doesn't apply to him.

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Whoops, I didn't notice that. Ok so I've got it down to one infurnus pistol.. So what about my Chaplin? He already has a plasma pistol, can he still have that if one of my seven dc an infernos pistol?

The chaplain doesn't have to be part of the DC, he can have his own plasma pistol. Though I prefer infernus pistols.

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The Chaplain is not part of the DC so they have no affect on his options. Unless you are talking about Lemartes, his options are fixed and cannot be change, but he is a member of the DC so he does count towards the size of the squad.
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He's an old Chaplin (the one with the skull mask) he already had a plasma other wise I would have given him an infernos also.

As for lemartes he will be heading up my second squad of DC who will have jump packs.


Also is their a limit to the amount of power weapons I can use per 5 DC?

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Im guessing it's 3 power weapons to every 5 DC is it, or is there no limit?

No limit. I personally run about 1 pw per 2 DC, but that is a personal decision. You can give every DC a PW/PF if you want.

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Hmm, I kno I've been advised that my dude with the PF should be armed with a boltgun and not a bolter but I just don't have the heart to hack this beautifully crafted bolter off the left and and attach a bolter to it instead.. Should I do it, would it be such a crime to just stick with the bolter?
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Hmm, I kno I've been advised that my dude with the PF should be armed with a boltgun and not a bolter but I just don't have the heart to hack this beautifully crafted bolter off the left and and attach a bolter to it instead.. Should I do it, would it be such a crime to just stick with the bolter?

A bolter and boltgun are the same thing.


PF models should generally have bolters rather than bolt pistols.

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Yeah sorry, I ment bolt pistol. Yeah I get that they don't get the extra attack from the bolt pistol but why does the dude with the PF benefit more from having a bolter than a bolt pistol?
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Yeah sorry, I ment bolt pistol. Yeah I get that they don't get the extra attack from the bolt pistol but why does the dude with the PF benefit more from having a bolter than a bolt pistol?

Since he doesn't get the extra attack from the bolt pistol, might as well use the bolter for the extra shot.

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Since I have been playing with magnets lately I would have probably just taken the bolt pistol off at the wrist. If you go right behind the wrist guard and use a jeweler's saw if comes off nice and clean. Then you can stick in a tiny magnet and make it swapable. I ended up doing this with the Sang Priest I am doing just so i can swap his weapons around without needing a new shoulder pad for each one (I thru on the DC one with Sanguinus on it holding a grail, it just screams SP to me for some reason). The jeweler's saw does not take too much out of the arm so you really do not even need to extend it to make it look right. Just an idea.
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