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Arming the Death Comapny


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I'm making a unit of 11 death company and a reclusiarch to fit in my Stormraven.

The DC will all have power weapons :)

Oh, and one with a thunderhammer.


Chrikey! That's a hell of a points sink mate. You'll butcher almost anything that has a lower I than you but if you go up against something fast then that's a lot of points to lose. Plus you'll usually slaughter an entire enemy unit in assault, leaving you out in the open to be shot up.


They can assault right from the Stormrave so no unit can get away. And if they kill the entire unit and left in the open then they can get back in the 'raven.

Works in theory!!


I didn't think you could consolidate into a transport? Given my record with some of the rules lately though, I stand to be corrected!

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I'm making a unit of 11 death company and a reclusiarch to fit in my Stormraven.

The DC will all have power weapons :)

Oh, and one with a thunderhammer.


Chrikey! That's a hell of a points sink mate. You'll butcher almost anything that has a lower I than you but if you go up against something fast then that's a lot of points to lose. Plus you'll usually slaughter an entire enemy unit in assault, leaving you out in the open to be shot up.


They can assault right from the Stormrave so no unit can get away. And if they kill the entire unit and left in the open then they can get back in the 'raven.

Works in theory!!


I didn't think you could consolidate into a transport? Given my record with some of the rules lately though, I stand to be corrected!

You can't embark in a transport on a consolidate

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Love the models and they are my fav looking infantry troops but I never used them because when I would proxy them they always die after they kill whatever they want. Killing whatever I want but pretty much handing my unit to someone after I do so to shooting is sad T___T


After reading this thread I am thinking of equipping them with Bolters now so if I fight a unit that normally I would wipe out I will have a better chance of staying in combat so I don't die to shooting. If it is a higher I unit like people mentioned with DE then I can shoot them and lower their #'s then assault.


Never thought about bolters before in this way, it's really great and very tactical. I was tunnel visioned that they were CC monsters so I MUST equip them with CC weapons. Bolters sounds like the best way to go.


Also if your worried about shooting and killing to much that you can't assault then don't shoot or position better. IMO they should always be in a LR or SR so they can assault out of it. That's 12" vehicle move, 2" deploy, 1" base, 6" assault. That's 21" that someone has to be away from you in order for your bolter shooting to be ineffective. As long as 1 guy get's into base they will have to pile in to you anyways so you should be able to attack with everything. On turn 2 (the time you will normally get an assault with your DC you should easily have enough room to position properly to still fire bolters and have no worries about getting into assault.


Going to test this out! Love DC >:)

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You can't assault if you fire a rapid fire weapon in the shooting phase, so if you're shooting a target to thin their numbers, chances are that you'll eat the assault on your opponent's next turn. They're hardy enough that in most cases it won't matter, though, which is good. I'm another one of those that only kits out the DC in BP/CCW - maybe I'll give a bolter DC a try next time.


I'm starting to think about the DC as a "fire & forget" weapon, which is sad, because it's gone from one of the defining units of our army to a gimmicky waste of points :)

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You can't assault if you fire a rapid fire weapon in the shooting phase, so if you're shooting a target to thin their numbers, chances are that you'll eat the assault on your opponent's next turn. They're hardy enough that in most cases it won't matter, though, which is good. I'm another one of those that only kits out the DC in BP/CCW - maybe I'll give a bolter DC a try next time.


I'm starting to think about the DC as a "fire & forget" weapon, which is sad, because it's gone from one of the defining units of our army to a gimmicky waste of points :)

Dc are relentless. They can fire the bolters and assault the same turn.


A lot of posters will disagree that DC are a gimmicky waste of points. I'm not one of them.

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My DC are tooled up wit the following


1 with 2 chainswords

5 with bolt pistol and chainsword

1 with power axe and bolt pistol

1 with powersword and infernos pistol

1 with thunderhammer and bolter

1 with powerfist and bolter


However of points permited it I would give them all power weapons in place of chainswords and I would always have one in 5 with a thunder hammer or powerfist incase I need to set about a vehicle or a dreadnaught.


I am actually gonna eventually have 30 x DC, 3 x DC Dreads and 3 DC SR's and use them for apocalypse games or very high points multiplayer games. Also with astrogoth, lemartes and my own chaplain who I will be converting and writing fluff for

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I am running and going to be testing:


5x Bolters

1x Thunder Hammer and Bolter

1x Powerfist and Bolter


1x Chaplain/Reclusiarch


Probably going to be putting them in a SR or LR. Probably a LR...Leaving the SR for Meph + Furioso :P

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I am running and going to be testing:


5x Bolters

1x Thunder Hammer and Bolter

1x Powerfist and Bolter


1x Chaplain/Reclusiarch


Probably going to be putting them in a SR or LR. Probably a LR...Leaving the SR for Meph + Furioso :D


I really wanted to run a SR and LRC in the same list at 2000 points but I just can't (as the LRC was to be a terminator deathstar) I would have to seriously lack on scoring units to do it so I reckon I'll do it at 2500 instead.


I actually need to crunch the numbers for my revised list cos I'm using devastators now and would like to fit stenguard and a second furioso in there too if pos. It's so hard keeping stuff within the point limit, especially running BA mech with hammer units like DC SR's and melta HG :(

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I am running and going to be testing:


5x Bolters

1x Thunder Hammer and Bolter

1x Powerfist and Bolter


1x Chaplain/Reclusiarch


Probably going to be putting them in a SR or LR. Probably a LR...Leaving the SR for Meph + Furioso :D


I really wanted to run a SR and LRC in the same list at 2000 points but I just can't (as the LRC was to be a terminator deathstar) I would have to seriously lack on scoring units to do it so I reckon I'll do it at 2500 instead.


I actually need to crunch the numbers for my revised list cos I'm using devastators now and would like to fit stenguard and a second furioso in there too if pos. It's so hard keeping stuff within the point limit, especially running BA mech with hammer units like DC SR's and melta HG :(



Ya my biggest problem is trying to put in all my Predators if I run LR's SR's. I want more of them but can't put them in when SR + LR cost 450 base... :( how sad

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I am running and going to be testing:


5x Bolters

1x Thunder Hammer and Bolter

1x Powerfist and Bolter


1x Chaplain/Reclusiarch


Probably going to be putting them in a SR or LR. Probably a LR...Leaving the SR for Meph + Furioso :(


I really wanted to run a SR and LRC in the same list at 2000 points but I just can't (as the LRC was to be a terminator deathstar) I would have to seriously lack on scoring units to do it so I reckon I'll do it at 2500 instead.


I actually need to crunch the numbers for my revised list cos I'm using devastators now and would like to fit stenguard and a second furioso in there too if pos. It's so hard keeping stuff within the point limit, especially running BA mech with hammer units like DC SR's and melta HG :(



Ya my biggest problem is trying to put in all my Predators if I run LR's SR's. I want more of them but can't put them in when SR + LR cost 450 base... :( how sad


I have my heart set on a land raider (two vanilla for scoring RAS and one LRC terminator deathstar) and dakka predator list, I can't wait to start it. It's the sort of thing I'd expect that you would love playing with too as we seam to have the same affinity towards big tanks, I love them, especially when they're BA red :D

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I have my heart set on a land raider (two vanilla for scoring RAS and one LRC terminator deathstar) and dakka predator list, I can't wait to start it. It's the sort of thing I'd expect that you would love playing with too as we seam to have the same affinity towards big tanks, I love them, especially when they're BA red :devil:


Haha! Very true! 3 Land Raiders? That's awesome ^O^


Hmm...my favorite things are Furiosos, Death Co. and tanks. So...3 Land Raiders, 1 with 10x DC + Reclusiarch, other 2 with 10 RAS + Priest. 3 StormRavens with 1 Furioso in each and one carrying Mephiston and other 2 with more DC or RAS. 3 Baal Predators with TL Asc + HB. Buahahahaha!


So back on topic...DC + Bolters is probably the best way to run them for an all comers type list? With reasons already explained throughout the thread? I think so.. ._.

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My DC loadout is currently 9 strong with a Chaplain in a Drop Pod.


1 Powerfist and Bolter

4 Bolters

1 Infernus Pistol and Chainsword

3 Bolt Pistol and Chainsword


Chaplain has an Infernus Pistol.


I have yet to deploy this unit on the first turn so I can choose a target to shoot at on arrival. When I can choose, I take the first wounds on the bolter dudes.

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