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Asorath the Grim. A WIP to done


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So, we all know and love our 2nd favorite Chaplain (our first being Lemartes. Anyone who says differently is a meanie head). I for one hate his official GW model. It looks nice. Doesn't appear to be a 2 press like some other neat yet boring characters we have had in the past. But I could never get over his boring pose and ... face mask? He doesn't own a death mask. He has long flowing hair and visits me in my dreams at...never mind.



So, here he is, in his unpainted glory.



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Looks good so far, can't wait to see the paint. One suggestion is can you take some close up pics, I can't see all the detail as is.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I got the resolution bigger. I miss photoshop :) This photo editor i have is...inadequate. And I think photobucket forces a resize now.




I was recently pointed to a blog that has greenstuff feathers. I am now torn between painting feathers for his pasticard wings, and making my own. I need to buy a few tubes of green stuff anyway, since I'm almost out, and $20 for 100g of galeforce 9 green-stuff is to much to pass up, compared to GW's $10 5g green-stuff (really? Is that necessary GW?)

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I like your version of Astorath but I also love the current GW one, he looks solid I think (solid means extremely tough by the way, it's local dialect from where I live, Newcastle upon Tyne, England! Haha)
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Are you some kind of fire bending wizard? The feathers on the wings being gs'd would add some really nice detail to the wings and make him even more impressive. Do you plan on making the muscle bundles that the GW mini has?
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Are you some kind of fire bending wizard? The feathers on the wings being gs'd would add some really nice detail to the wings and make him even more impressive. Do you plan on making the muscle bundles that the GW mini has?


I like fire, what can I say? It was the only way I could get the plasticard to bend the way I wanted it to, and having worked with styrene sheets in art classes, I knew it worked. My muscle bundles will definitely be painted on. I must stock up on booze before that painting adventure starts ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now with 3000% more greenstuff





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Good work on the mini, and man is that a deal on green stuff. That is one of the things I like most about these boards, you find such good places to go to get your gaming fix at a fraction of the GW price. I mean good lord, after you find places like armor cast how can you ever justify buying GW terrain? I believe I will be buying a few tubes of green stuff from that site you reccomended next weekend.
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oh, (not a plug), this is the place my friend told me to go to learn to green stuff feathers.



I will update sometime next week, mayhaps. It depends if I run Astorath in the 1500+sideboard tournament in my area next month. I plan on using Dante and the Sanguinor as of right now (WIP thread for that one soon. Just got the instamold stuff from coolminiornot).

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Are the cables attacked to his his mask like "face" there for show in the GW model then?


Like Terminator captains, librarians, Mephiston, Magnus Calgar, etc... important people don't need helmets. I felt the "death mask" of his official model is clunky looking, and does not fit in with his codex artwork. Also, he never has a deathmask in his wargear.

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Are the cables attacked to his his mask like "face" there for show in the GW model then?


Like Terminator captains, librarians, Mephiston, Magnus Calgar, etc... important people don't need helmets. I felt the "death mask" of his official model is clunky looking, and does not fit in with his codex artwork. Also, he never has a deathmask in his wargear.


Those cables could connect to his vox-caster as he is Thee High Chaplain and his Oratories of Redemption need to be heard planetwide when he comes to claim our fallen brethren!!! :drool:


Or they could be part of an air-filtration system since he doesn't wear a mask or helmet.

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  • 3 months later...



Been a while, but here he is.



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