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What "Models" would you like to see updated?


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We've all discussed to death what we want to see in the next codex rules wise but what about what new miniatures we would like to see? The plastic kits that have been released in the last couple of years usually look pretty amazing and its getting my excited about what we may see from the next codex!


The main ones I would love to see updated are as follows:


Chaos Dreadnought in plastic

New metal model for Abaddon

Plastic Obliterators

Noise Marines in Plastic

And how about some plastic Plague Marines?



Besides that which ones do people think should stay? I know the khorne berzerkers are starting to get pretty old but in my opinion they aren't bad looking models and might not really be hurting for an update. Along with that Kharne the betrayer has a pretty awesome sculpt considering his age. But for the love of chaos please make a plastic kit for Obliterators!


So which ones do you think deserve new kits and which ones are good enough that we should keep them around for the next codex cycle?

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I would really like to see new Raptors, new Obliterators, plastic Cult Troops or Improved Cult Troop Models. I'd also like to see new Legion Upgrade Kits, perhaps in a similar vein to the Black Templar, DA and Space Wolf kits. Oh and how could I forget, plastic Havoks, the pewter ones are a bit out dated and the Devastator box doesn't contain some of our options. I'm sure most people don't use Autocannons on their Havoks but I'd still like to see the option. While we are on the topic of pewter models, new PA Sorcerers couldn't hurt.
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A plastic box for our Havoks similar to Devastator boxes would be really nice. Setting up in terrain with top heavy pewter models sometimes really sucks. As to the autocannons I regularly use a squad of 4 autocannons with 3 generations worth of metal autocannon goodness. I love the current look for our Raptors though it would be really cool to see them redone in plastic especially if they came with a shiny new set up abilities to make them worth buying.
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I would hate for plastic plague marines to come out...cause I already have like 50 of the pewter ones and I would hate trying to explain to the wife why I suddenlyneed 4 boxes worth of the "new" ones ;)


I think the current oblits look good, but god is it a terribly designed kit! Havocs need more options, I would say all the greater daemons need new kits, but the FW ones are so awesome i doubt GW will updo them any time soon. Poor abaddon is so terrible, but with the plastic termie lord kit, making your own is easy cheez. Prolly dreads the most, as that is the ugliest thing in the book for sure!

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I think they need to update the Raptors, they are currently getting bumrushed by new LOS rules, combined with the fact they are an average army selection does them no good either.


Khârn has aged well but theres only so much one model can do, that model was one of the first I got when I started playing and that was a looong time ago (for me).


Chaos dreadnought in plastic shouldnt be too hard. I would probably say a plastic havok kit would be great, mostly with autocannons and missle lauchers.


New bezerkers, just because they would sell like hot cakes if done well!

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plastic chaos dread (but keep it looking as cool as the metal one!)


plastic obliterators


plastic cult troops (berzerkers, plague marines, thousand sons, noise marines)-make them all plastic and as cool as the forge world kits!


update abaddon (taller, more imposing, less static looking)


update Khârn (that model also needs more of a sense of movement to it!)


parts to do god specific daemon princes perhaps?


thats it! :D

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I dont think we need new models. we have a dp [although wings for it would be nice ;/ ] , pms can be done with csm , zerkers are plastic and oblits maybe not cheap but we never need more then 9 . everything else is not worth using or wouldnt sell good enough [offten because of the rules it has] so GW wont give it new models .
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I'd love to see new Obliterators, but they should be more twisted figures rather than mutated Terminators. Kind of akin to the old Obliterators, mixed with Chaos and a heavy dose of Tetsuo the Iron Man.


Another updated kit would definitely be a new Dreadnought, perhaps some Chaos God specific gifts (extra close combat weapon, sonic weapons, etc).


New Abaddon! Bigger and meaner!


New Lucius model, the current one kind of sucks.


Khârn could use a new model but the current model is still very much up to standard from the models that are out now.


New plastic havocs.


New plastic Khorne Berzerkers that have more normal proportions instead of the giant hands they have now.

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I think that the current CSM kit is fine, but some sort of upgrade kit/kits a la BLack Templar/ Dark Angels would be good.

Plastic Dread

Plastic Raptors

I don't have a problem with the current obliterators, but a plastic kit would be nice for variety's sake. Besides, I've never any of my plastic stuff (assembled with plastic glue) break, while I can't say the same for super-glued stuff.


EDIT---forgot plastic plague bearers--the current metal ones are hideous (not in a good way)

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Plastic Plague Marines is the first choice for me, selling metal boxes of seven without any extra choices included in the box isn't very gamer-friendly, especially since plasma guns apparently isn't the first choice of armament... Plus getting some extra PM heads and bits would be awesome for conversion purposes.

Having just built two obliterators, and converted another from a plastic termie, I wouldn't mind some plastic models, those extra weapons sure are fiddly.

Noise Marines and Thousand Sons could get new models as well.

Maybe Havocs too, and maybe new lords and sorcerers so I don't only suggest Infantry.


However, knowing GW, I suspect we'll get one troop choice, one other infantry box (raptors?), a couple of special characters and a new humongous monster we don't really need.

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I'd love to see a platic Lord / Sorc in Power Armour box, that and updates for Abbadon, Khârn, Ahriman and Fabius.

Plastic Raptors and de-gloved berzerkers would also be nice.

Of course a new daemon enigne along the lines of the forge world Blight Drones and Blood Slaughterer.


....ah I can dream :tu:



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The following would be fantastic in plastic:


Chaos Dreadnought




Those three coming out in plastic would be a big deal, I think, and would make all sorts of sense. A plastic box for a PA Chaos Lord like the loyalists Space Marine Commander figure would be nice, too.

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I dont think we need new models. we have a dp [although wings for it would be nice ;/ ] , pms can be done with csm , zerkers are plastic and oblits maybe not cheap but we never need more then 9 . everything else is not worth using or wouldnt sell good enough [offten because of the rules it has] so GW wont give it new models .



I wasn't thinking so much as new model right now. But new models that always come with the release of a new codex. Without focusing this topic on what we would like to see in the next codex I was asking what everyone would like to see redone model wise. What is a spawn today might be the next Obliterator, you never know.




I also agree fully with bap2703 that new plastic raptors would be nice as they wouldn't be so top heavy and awkward to hide in buildings and terrain.

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Everything so far sounds great and I would like to add an update for some conversions bitz


Iron Warriors:

-A newer torso would be appreciated! They make the marine waists look feminine-slim.

-The helm similar to mk7 needs a replacement too.

-New shoulder pads. The skull symbol doesn't look like the Legion symbol in my opinion.


Night Lords:

-Lots of the shoulder pads are great...just update the helms. maybe smaller, stylized bat wings and maybe make some helms a bit bigger (although, the smaller helms may look proportional at the moment...hmmmmm)


just some I can think of at the moment!

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As long as we are dreaming


I would love to see upgrade frames, as the Black templars and Dark angels got, one for god, with banners/icons, shoulderpads with power specific symbols, different heads, one shoulderpad that fits the dp with the god specific symbol and maybe even vehicle stuff like doors for rhinos. For Khorne there would be some chain axes on the frame, for Slaanesh sonic weaponry, Nurgle would get some bloated chest armour and Tzeentch an easy way to upgrade a character to a sorcerer.

And while they where at it a special weaponsframe, with a couple of all the standard chaos weaponry, like duplicate plasmas and meltas, lighting claws, daemon weapons, power weapons (I would love to see a powerflail), duplicate las cannons and auto cannons etc. and some more goodies, like grenades,and non ruinous standards .


If this happened you just needed to get the standard chaos marine box and the frames you would need


A plastic dread, a plastic lord, and new raptors would be nice too.

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Raptors !!

I like the current models, although the scale is a bit smaller, but the are just not well balanced and keep falling again and again.



The current models are so awesome, but I can't get the things to stand up straight! Gah!


Plastic cult troops. I would so love a plastic guitar for Noise Marines. I would love it even more if it had options to be Bass and Acoustic [because you know if it does happen, the default will be Electric (or rather, Nuclear)].


Perhaps tieing in with the above, more options to decorate your models with a theme for a certain Chaos God, or Chaos Undivided, with Renegades being standard bitz?


Plastic Havoc box, like Devastators, like already mentioned.


Power armor Lord/Sorceror plastic kit, with options to make it one of the Legions, with appropiate wargear, such as a crozious for a Dark Apostle. Or even better, just make a seperate Dark Apostle Kit.

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Raptors and Oblits in plastic would be mandatory for me. I don't mind the raptors models but plastic would reduce the price and I've never liked the Oblit models. As for characters, Abaddon would be a must and a new Khan would just be cool.
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For me I shall have to say this





sorry for the all caps...i'm grumpy at conversion i'm working on with a metal raptor for my NL's.


Other models: New Oblits, not plastic but easier to build.

Plastic Dreadnought

New Abaddon and Khârn

Plastic Tsons or all Metal Tsons just pick one or the other.

Plastic Nurgle anything

The aforementioned PA Lord/Sorceror

upgraded legion specific kits



that is my wish list for new stuff.

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All of the special characters except Lucius, as they are all from 2ND EDITION. Oh, and the Dreadnought that is ALSO FROM 2ND EDITION. Basically all of these models that are over 13 years old...seriously! They need to be redone by now! They have the tech to make some totally kickin' molds for these models, but to not do so makes me a sad panda.


Troops that stand straight (like plastic Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves)
I would agree, but I think the new Wolf stuff is just plain terrible. They don't convey any motion at all, whereas you'd think an army like that would want to have some.
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