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What "Models" would you like to see updated?


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I'd like a "less spikey/skuls" Chaos Marine set, with old armour and weapons, plastic cult troop upgrade sprues, plastic Oblits that you make to look different, well more so than "I've swapped which weapon goes into which arm!". Legion upgrade sprues would be nice too.


Oh and Plastic Raptors. Keep the Hawk look of them, but just make them plastic, with scenic bases so they don't snap off.

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Berzerkers need an update in a bad way. The helmets, torsos, and standing legs are fine, but the running legs and arms are terrible. They are really hard to pose in a natural way and their hands are just bad.


Khârn is still a beautiful model, even after all these years. Abaddon is still good, but seems small against the newer models. He needs to be large and in charge like Lysander, Calgar, etc.


Plastic plague marines would be nice, as well as a complete overhaul of how obliterators look. The current ones look better than the originals, but the "moldy terminator" look needs to go.

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I would like to see a new:


Abaddon, Khârn, Ahriman they are some of the oldest models in the range.

Dreadnought (although without some better rules it would be like the possessed are now)

get rid of the pewter/hybrid troops i.e. plague marines, 1ksons, and Sonic Marines

Updated sculpts for the Berzerkers

Plastic havoks

plastic raptors

a PA lord/sorcerer would be nice

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The Berserkers (Gloves? For really reals?) could use an update to current beautiful standards. Mostly, though, I'd love a power armoured lord/sorcerer kit. I'd buy about 4, and use it on squad leaders, too.
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The issue I seem to find with the birth of the 4th edition chaos codex (besides the atrocity of the codex itself) is that besides the most basic and commonly used units (Chaos Marines, Terminators, Terminator Lord, and now the Daemon Prince) the rest of the army was relatively untouched. We were blessed to get a most spectacular Possessed box squad and a nice addition of the spawn and windicator kits, however these units are relatively unused in the grand scheme of playing. (The vindicator gets used but the other two just aren't worth their points) Where as more commonly used and desperately needed are the Cult Marines (all of them), Dreadnoughts, Obliterators, and also a power armoured Lord/ Sorcerer would be nice.


I'm not quite sure if this had some kind of marketing plan to it, but I certainly want a god's damned chaos dreadnought without having to order from FW. ;)

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Dreads, Raptors, Oblits. terminators. This also depends on what the are making viable in the new dex. If dreads are still sub par, no need for update. If they plan on making lords a better choice then a "lord kit" would be nice.
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There's already an updated Abaddon model:




$65 plus Shipping and Handling and I'll be happy to make one for you.



Just Kidding.


Yeah Abs needs an update. I mean character wise, he's supposed to a demi-god. He's supposed a bigger villian then Calgar is a hero.. so why is he smaller?

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Please just make a plastic dread!


I mean, come on, why do loyalists get like a billion different kinds and poor old chaos one crappy metal one?

They sure showed they can do it, venerable dread for instance looks sweet.

Or is it so long ago since a good chaos update, that they forgot how to do it?


And it'd be nice if they'd do all the other stuff mentioned above too.

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I agree with a lot of the comments here, but one thing I'm not keen on, the new demon prince kit. It doesn't look marine enough for me.


Maybe he isn't a marine but a daemon prince <_< who might have never been a marine :D + they wanted it to be useable in fantasy :D

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I agree with a lot of the comments here, but one thing I'm not keen on, the new demon prince kit. It doesn't look marine enough for me.


It does when you use the armored options it comes with. The new kit is genius, and almost perfect if not for the lack of the ability to actually build two complete Princes out of it.

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When a new codex comes, we'll doubtless see new units that will be accompanied by new models.

- Of the units that already exist, we mostly just need new raptors.


- We don't need new cult marines or dreadnoughts. Leave these to Forge World, who we know will be bringing out Thousand Sons and Emperor's Children sooner or later.


- Possessed, Chaos Marines, Terminators, Spawn, Lord, Prince, and vehicles are all solid kits.


- I'll wager that in a new codex, we'll see Havocs getting more weapons that only they have and loyalists don't. A plastic havoc kit with autocannons and these new weapons would be good.


- Some sort of predator variant (ala Baal Predator, but something Dark Mech.) Maybe some sort of new turret with reaper autocannon sponsons?


- Plastic oblits.


- A very flexible daemon engine kit. Possibly also replacing defiler (it's just too big)

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I'm not sure about the plastic Obliterators...generally GW brings kits out in plastic that have a lot of options (see Space Wolves, Death Company, etc). The thing with Obliterators is that (unless they're changed in the codex) they have no options, thus restricting what can be put in the kit, and kinda limiting aesthetics.

However, I do believe the current ones look horrible, and fully support a redo :D


Ones I would love to see: Plastic Raptors, Havocs, Cult troops (maybe even cult terminators?), possibily a plastic power-armour Lord/Sorceror kit...though to be fair, you can make a pretty unique on of those with Possessed parts, CSM and a little imagination.


Just my 2 cents.

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Something I forgot to mention in my previous posts, is that I don't think most of the special characters really need to be re-done. Most of them are already easily converted. I'm sure GW will re-do plenty of them, but I just think it should be lower priority than other things.


I'm not sure about the plastic Obliterators...generally GW brings kits out in plastic that have a lot of options (see Space Wolves, Death Company, etc). The thing with Obliterators is that (unless they're changed in the codex) they have no options, thus restricting what can be put in the kit, and kinda limiting aesthetics.

However, I do believe the current ones look horrible, and fully support a redo


I'm really hoping for the way oblits work to change in the next codex. In their current incarnation, they are too strong. But if made more expensive, they'd get too weak. What I'd like to see is something like oblits coming with twin-linked of each weapon base, and then you pay points for 1 heavy weapon type. This would allow for a flexible plastic kit, and for oblits themselves to still be a flexible fire support unit, but not as flexible as now.

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I'm really hoping for the way oblits work to change in the next codex. In their current incarnation, they are too strong. But if made more expensive, they'd get too weak. What I'd like to see is something like oblits coming with twin-linked of each weapon base, and then you pay points for 1 heavy weapon type. This would allow for a flexible plastic kit, and for oblits themselves to still be a flexible fire support unit, but not as flexible as now.

Oh sure. Like I said, if they change the Obliterators from the "so-many-guns-we-can-kill-everyone-and-everything" fleshy terminators they are now to something not so overpowered in the codex, I can see it happening. And I agree, most of the characters don't need redoing. Only ones I might suggest are Fabius Bile (perhaps along with some rule changes), mainly because I just plain never liked his model, and old Abaddon. If we're going to respect him as the Chosen of the Gods, the Warmaster of Chaos, the leader of the Black Crusades and as the Despoiler, then he should at least be as tall as a regular teminator dammit!

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wait guys. you know they wont give us landspeeders or attack bikes and predators/vindicators without fast or PotMS are just no viable . why do you want our only working long range support to be nerfed ? If oblits have to pay for weapons they could use they would be even worse then in the 3ed JJ dex . this would leave us with just auto canon havocks as support . and for those to take over the oblits slot they would either have to cost 1/3 pts they cost now or get stuff like tank hunter or the targeting like LF .
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I'm really hoping for the way oblits work to change in the next codex. In their current incarnation, they are too strong. But if made more expensive, they'd get too weak. What I'd like to see is something like oblits coming with twin-linked of each weapon base, and then you pay points for 1 heavy weapon type. This would allow for a flexible plastic kit, and for oblits themselves to still be a flexible fire support unit, but not as flexible as now.


You clearly haven't seen the new GK Codex yet, have you? :P

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Mostly, though, I'd love a power armoured lord/sorcerer kit. I'd buy about 4, and use it on squad leaders, too.


I'm not even that big of a Chaos fan, and I'd buy half a dozen.


That and a new, cooler-looking Abaddon would be a nice bonus when the time for new chaos models comes around. :lol:

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- We don't need new cult marines or dreadnoughts. Leave these to Forge World, who we know will be bringing out Thousand Sons and Emperor's Children sooner or later.


Sure we don't, why we are at it let FW take care of oblits, defilers and the other stuff that makes chaos something unique. The codex we have today is so watered down barley making it an evil space marine list, because the fun stuff isn't viable on the tourney floors.

If your suggestion to make the cults join the FW assembly lines, all the flavour that makes chaos chaos will disappear. Today chaos has gone from being the ultimate evil in the 40k universe to being something that you might change side-walks if you meet them late at night.

Since the Chaos marines codex came out we have gotten new possessed, which no one uses except as bits, a new prince, a new termilord/sorc, vindicator, a spawn, which no one uses, and new terminators, which most uses as termicide.

Since then the loyalists has gotten SIX new codexes, if you count the grey knight one, which by the way is made to counter every chaos trick there is. I cant even try to write down a list with stuff that the loyalist has gotten, except that they have gotten stuff that is according to fluff brand new in the imperium, how the mechanicus suddenly can ship out new and better stuff is against all previous fluff.


I have come to terms with that my daemonettes now are shelved for all eternity, my sonic terminators, dreadnaughts, noise marines and bikes are not viable on a tourneytable. What I haven't come terms with is that GW during the last century have made Chaos to something streamlined and just mean instead of something of pure evil and unpredictable. So the cultist must stay and be viable on the boards, not just zerkers and plague marines.


When we get our new codex, we can hope we get some new models, the basic stuff like the marine boxes and the vehicle boxes are good as they are. We will probably get some new characters with godly powers to counter the semi gods that the loyalists got, and with that some new character blisters, hopefully. We will probably get some sort of flyer and maybe a new sort of tank or walker. If BT and DA could get a sprue boxes, BT got one and DA got two, why shouldn't Chaos be able to get four? BA and SW got how much new stuff, the only thing I see when I walk in to my local shop are bearded baby blue marines and red ones? And now we are seeing Grey knigts getting loads of new stuff. I know that we are not the only Imperial enemy, we are really not asking for much, a plastic dreadnaught, new plastic raptors, options to convert our mean marines to pure evil marines by cultifying and unstandarise them. We ask for new oblits as we are forced to use them, I hate them with a passion as they are unfluffy according to me, but use them as there is no other viable anti-tank option at the moment, so if GW are as interested as usual to game test their new rules, we are probably stuck with them. So produce some new oblits which you both can look at and handle without needing industrial cement.


I would suggest for GW to make two codex for Chaos one renegade and one Chaos space marine one. The renegade one can have the just turned traitor marines and guards and other various traitors, and then bring back the old and crazy chaos again in the other one.



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If your suggestion to make the cults join the FW assembly lines, all the flavour that makes chaos chaos will disappear.


Forge World already makes really high quality Death Guard and World Eaters marines and terminators. Normal GW sculpts are not going to be better than FW ones, so for GW to update cult marines in normal plastic would simply be redundant. I'm only talking about the models, not the rules.

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