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an idea ive had regarding legions

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As I said some time ago....

- Cult Troops in Elite

- NL - Raptors are scoring

- WB - Possessed are scoring

- IW - Havocs are scoring

- AL - Chosens are scoring

- BL - Terminator are scoring

- EC - Noise are troops

- DG - Plague are troops

- TS - Rubric are troops

- WE - Berks are troops

- and those bonuses would be acquired by buying certain upgrade for your Lord

- and add Heretics/Cultists unit

- and that's all

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First of all I am tired of players being more orthodox and restrictive than 3,5 codex.

AL was able to use deamons, today I am meeting frowned looks when I put some deamons or even possessed on the table while in 3,5 they were fully usable in AL army. Then in AL fluff is outright stated they commonly team up with other traitor Legions, so whats the matter?


Secondly rules for legions were for "pure" legion warbands, but you were able to build any mixture of Legions, if you wanted. If I wanted to have AL/WE combined force, I just bought infiltrate vet. skill for my basic marines and I could field zerks as elites, no problem there....


EDIT: Hell I could give them Infiltrate+Furious charge and create Khorne affiliated AL force...


*gasp* Someone using creativity when it comes to Chaos?!? How dare you, good sir? I shall have to ask you to step outside! After that, you'll be returned to your usual comments of "Alpha Legion? Just spam Chosen! They have Infiltrate, right? That's all you need, what more do you want?"

That made me laugh. Seriously.

Just forget strict Legion lists, it would lead to more and more restrictions, there is other way: to give us some variable legion mark/tactis system and more fluff to Legion companies e.g.: NL 8th company leader is known for wide use of berzerkers, they are deployed as distraction while rest of the warband outflanks the enemy and attack him on a weak spot, powerfull sorcerer of Iron Warriors 18 company used his power to brainwash a group of loyalists and he is now using them as his bodyguards (TS counts as) and so on...

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