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Codicier Artan Dragomir


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The Sevrin Loth mini which forms the basis of this mini is a lovely bit of work and I'm hoping I've done just enough to make Dragomir distinct from Sevrin without ruining the underlying coolness of the model. Obviously he's in black rather than blue and the scheme contains fewer colours over all than most Librarians which should help 'Raven-ise' him . Together with the change of base, thanks to Argos' advice, and a few FW RG bitz I think the result is a decently RG model and one that doesn't look too much like the original Loth model.

The other FW parts are the studded left pad, something I identify strongly with my RG, and the FW RG pad on the left give him a decent Raven Guard identity swap. The RG symbol on the knee, the RG backpack and the use of white rather than yellow as my primary accent colour also help tie Dragomir to the RG and more specifically to Shadow Force Dragomir.

The conversion was very simple, I used the force staff from the =][= Eisenhorn figure with the staff top removed and replaced with a 28mm scale facsimile made from two Iron Halos and a small skull. The base change was a matter of clipping off the stone under the foot on the original model and replacing it with part of the statuary taken from the Imperial Sanctum building. I had hoped to make that statue marble-esque but that proved beyond me in any reasonable sort of time frame.

One of my normal lights died the other day and I need a new bulb for it but here are the best shots I could grab of the completed Dragomir. Note that technically I still have to do the scroll/purity seals but I'm trying to make some decals for those 'cos I suck at free hand but that oughtn't detract too much:


I decided to stop tinkering at just on 11 hours for this mini, I could've kept trying to get the staff skull right, indeed the whole staff is something of a disappointment and may be replaced with the very similar one on the new GK sprues one day in the future when the army is complete. Similarly the bird skull on the right pad is a little flat and could do with some extra work but I have to keep reminding myself that this is a tabletop army.

Tabletop. Tabletop. Tabletop. That's my mantra for this army or it'll never get finished like all my others.

That said I'm extremely happy with the blue touches on Dragomir, I think the highlights are just about spot on and the colour is the one I had in mind for the Librarian elements of the mini all along. You can see the blues nicely in this shot, complemented quite well by the Terminator Honours I think:


Just ignore the staff in that shot *shudder*

Tabletop. Tabletop. Tabletop.

All up, Dragomir won't win any Golden Daemon's but he should look good at the front of SFD and should serve nicely as my first army centrepiece :blink:

For those who haven't seen the rest of the army here are the group shots, the links will take you to more pictures if you're so inclined:

Tactical Squad Atanas


Tactical Squad Khalid


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Very, very nice work SCC, he looks plenty different from the original and the conversion work is good too. Colours work well, especially the blue, think he'll tie in and stand out at the same time (if that makes any sense).


The only thing I'd possibly do differently is the studs on the shoulder pad, to make them stand out a little more I'd paint them metal like the studs on the backpack (or possibly leave them black and paint the pad itself white?). Just a thought, great job anyway!

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