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Dreadnaught arms


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Maybe I'm being stupid but I can't figure out how many complete arms you get in dreadnaught kits.


I know that in the regular dread you get:

Assault cannon


Missile launcher

DCCW with stir bolter or heavy flamer


What about in the furioso, venerable and (the other one, vanilla marines av13 one)

I need to know what complete, functioning arms you can make.


Thanks for your time

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In the Venerable kit, if I recall you dont get a ML but you get a Plasma cannon, and an alternate kind of DCCW

Venerable has a lascannon and I think a multimelta.

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In the Venerable kit, if I recall you dont get a ML but you get a Plasma cannon, and an alternate kind of DCCW

Venerable has a lascannon and I think a multimelta.

Venerable has:

Right-arm TL-Lascannon,

Right-arm Plasma Cannon,

Right-arm Assault Cannon & a

Left-arm DCCW(2 designs).


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Ironclad Dread (the AV13 Vanilla Marine) has:

Right-arm Hurricane Bolter

Right-arm DCCW

Left-arm Seismic Hammer

Left-arm Chain Fist

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Thanks guys, my question has been answered admirably.


I shall buy a furioso dreadnaught, and with a bit of arm shuffling and conversion I will then have:


Furioso with frag cannon and heavy flamer DCCW.

Rifleman dread.

Ironclad with hurricane bolter, plus chain fist with meltagun.

Dread with plasma cannon and heavy flamer DCCW.

Death company dread with 2 bloodclaws.


Those should keep the enemies of the emperor on their toes, right?

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We cant take hurricane bolters or ironclad, but i presume you know that already.


Ive found a missile launcher works better teamed with a plasma cannon, you can either double pie plate or send a rack along for the ride.


DC dread i found shreds nards too fast with Claws and is left vulnerable after teh 1st CC phase, i give him fists instead with a magna grapple.


Heartily recommend teh furiosos shotgun death machine you have there, the old street sweeper is instant death to so many things with its 2 templates plus 1 for the flamer.


really we can outfit a dread with anythign and it will still do a hell of a lot of damage or distracation work - i love my dreads (all 12 of them lol).

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The dread with the Plasma cannon and the heavy flamer DCCW is supposed to be a very vanilla, all-comers dreadnaught. While I love the idea of using a missile launcher on it (that's what it has at the moment), I find that leaves it too vulnerable to attack up close.


For raw firepower over all, I have my all-time favourite dreadnaught, the rifleman.


However given that I will buy a drop-pod as well, the mega-shotgun flamer furioso is going to rapidly knock him off his pedestal. I really love not rolling to hit, so 3 flamer templates from one dread is going to be awesome.


The ironclad is to go in the drop-pod when I am playing vanilla marines, which I do with the same miniatures. Heresy I know, but GW toys are expensive, and if you multi-codex your marines, you sometimes get 2 new codex to play with every year!


Advice taken about the dual bloodfist and magna grapple setup on the DC dread. I shall look for a thread that discusses this issue further, and if I can't find one I may start one myself.


Thanks again.

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The only problem with the Furioso kit is that you get 6 blood talons and 8 'fingers' for the blood fist but for some unknown reason they decided to give the blood talon hands a 'finger' socket too, so you really need 10 of them if you want to build both and swap them over. I got around that by using a couple of sword blades from another kit and putting them in the extra socket on the talon hands. Doesn't look brilliant but if you postion the swords at the underside of the arm then it doesn't notice too much.
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I hear you on the dual codex front - i regularily run my guys as Pedro's CF in order to field my 1st company (it will be in the IA article coming soon).I also have a SW army and an UM one though i do know what you mean - these toys are expensive.



Good idea on using kantor to get a 1st company unlock (writes down furiously in notebook)

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