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[Artwork] For the glory of the Throne!

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Salutations brothers...


It's been an awful long time since I've treaded these halls, and I'm deeply saddened by that fact. Various projects, commissions and endeavours have taken up all of my posting time these days. However, I do still check the B&C as often as I can and I thank all of the support that you show towards my threads and artwork, even when they're not active. Many of you I see in other artistic venues and some of these illustrations you might've seen. But for those who haven't, I bring these forth to you here, for your consideration:


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition




This was a long overdue work for a client, involving his Iron Hands Commander.

This Chapter has always fascinated me and I take any assignment involving them with eagerness. To me, they're the pinnacle of the Dark Millenium: devoted, strong, unforgiving and completely zealous in their quest to rid mankind of its flesh. Their extensive use of bionics as well as their baroque decorations and praise of technology are, to me, the core of the gothic setting of Warhammer 40,000.

This illustration is a favourite of mine for many reasons: the depth I've achieved with colors is very noticeable and everything occupies it's right space within the composition. The level of detail is huge, but without causing the whole to be confusing. In terms of design, I'm also very proud of the Leviathan fortress in the background as well as the rusty colour of Medusa's soil.






This is an illustration I had a lot of fun rendering. Most of all because all of the elements involved in it are trademarks in my style: giant sand worms (resembling those of Herbert's greatest work, Thousand Sons, Pre-Heresy times and desertic landscapes.

There's lots of details that I enjoy about this piece; the egyptian theme of the Thousand Sons librarian, his vague resemblance in armour to his Primarch Magnus (one of my favourite Libris Primaris renditions), and the muted, weird palette amongst other bits. I think it's this last item that's made me most proud.

I usually am wary with colours, but this time I tried to use a combination like the old masters did. Like Frazetta, for example. And I didn't went over the top with them either. The subdued sky, the purple/yellowish/greenish hues of the worm, all conspite with the older armour on the Space Marine to tint this illustration with a bit of a retro-vibe. As if it was a pulp cover.


Death Throes




This one I like a lot because it let me draw Space Marines as usual, but adding a twist: a non-regular Chapter, the Celestial Lions, versus a very cool Traitor Chapter, the Night Lords. With them I particularly wanted to achieve a cool effect on their armour, because it is described as being in constant change and movement, as if there was a storm raging within it. However, it's hard to achieve that in paint, but we can get close. I rendered the plates as if they were indeed electrified and constantly fluxing with lightning.

I also think the scene depicts quite a violent battle, which is what the client requested, so...



Inquisitor Kaltos




You're seeing here Inquisitor Kaltos; a very straightforward servant of The Holy Inquisition, but one that struck me as very metaphorical of what The Inquisition actually is.

His grim death-mask, inscrutable, cold and expressionless, I think defines what Inquisitors are all about: judges and executioners of The Emperor, purging the hidden foes of mankind.


Inquistor Jaq Draco




The first reknowned Ordos operative to have his stories published, if my memory serves me. As a matter of fact, this illustration is based upon a miniature provided by the client, which in turn was based upon John Blanche's own rendition of the character long ago, whom resembled Sean Connery. I tried to have a little Connery flavour in my own interpretation and I think I achieved it!


The Wolf




The wolves always seemed a bit out of place to me, fluff-wise. I couldn't understand how something so barbaric would strap on a power armour suit and go battling throughout the galaxy to enlighten (?) stray planets.

But, having drawn wolves for some time, I've actually come to respect that savage nature indeed. Mostly because it is what sets them apart from the norm, making them interesting.

What I thought a fault at first has become the reason I see these guys working within the context of Warhammer 40,000. Plus, it's always a challenge to illustrate the scars and battle damage a warrior of the Chapter endures in his lifespan of service.


The 'Book Of Primarchs' is underway on its finishing portraits, with Lorgar scheduled to appear soon, so I hope this thread will signal my return to the B&C in strength.


I hope you enjoy these and, as usual, C&C are most welcome.



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