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Flesh Tearers 1st Stormraven

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So here he is, in all his glory.


Cockpit caught a shell,...


View from orbit


Left Side


And the only done Rhino.....




This first Raven was getting a feel for building/painting the kit. There were some, ahem, hiccups in the process. The next 2 should turn out infinitely better. The next project is converting my Fortress of Redemption into Cretacia's Black Tower of the Lost. And since I'm doing that, might as well make a whole Cretacia Deathworld jungle table.

Really throws me off, because I was working on a ruined Shrine World table, but the conversion will be too sweet to not do a whole table for.

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I like the color scheme, although I like a bit more black on my Flesh Tearers. It's obvious that you have a scheme in mind and it's brash, just like the FTs!



Color scheme

Freedhand idea - the Flesh Tearers are all about putting circular saw shapes on stuff and this fits that motif wonderfully. Perhaps you could even incorporate a little more of it, although simplistic also works great most of the time.


Needs Work:

While I like your design, the execution of the painting on both the Rhino and Stormraven needs some work. Red Gore sucks to paint over black and it usually takes a ton of thin layers to pull it off, but the reqards are worth it and you get a good solid color. Both of your vehicles look mottled and the brush strokes are evident for the black and red gore. For the circular saws... did you just freehand them from the get-go or did you use a pencil or the like to mark out the design? One thing that aircraft art almost always has in common is that designs like those are sharp, crisp and look professional. Some Chapter serf was probably slaving away on it for days to make it perfect for his Flesh Tearer masters.


The damage doesn't look real and could use some work as well. Not many people want to "mess up" their models, but to get a good damage effect, sometimes you can just scuff up the actual layers of paint that are on there without hitting the plastic. That would give your damage some actual depth and help pull it off.


Great start and looking forward to the rest as you said this was the test/entry bird.

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First up, I really like the chapter symbol design on the storm raven wings. Also, the decision to go with plain and simple gunmetal on the turrets and withthe battle damage works well, as it fits with the rather rougher, more practical appearence of the Flesh Tearers compared to other Sanguinary chapters. However, I think you need to work on your reds as at the moment there's too much black showing through. I'd recommend using say dark flesh or mechanrite red as a base, darkening it down with a 2:1:1coat of water, chaos black and mechanrite, then highlighting up to red gore with lots of watered down coats to get a nice flat colour. If you want to try some more advanced stuff, I'd recommend the spongue method f applying battle damage. Having a few large chips and the rest pristine doesn't look desperately realistic, so I'd apply some weathering around the tracks and engines and a series of smaller chips to the paintork over a wider area.
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Ooh that's nice. I'm about to start a DC stormraven, I'm gonna add alot of scrapes and bolter damage to signify how much these guys like to delve into the thick of it! ;)
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Wow, no other comments or criticisms?


Sorry, just saw this thread, weird thing with cached pages and sometimes I have to hit F5 to get the current line up.


Anyways, I like the SR and the Rhino. Especially the saw blades at the edges of the wings, I think those look great. As a reccomendation I would definately have used a pin vice to drill out the weapon holes. It does not take much time and makes them look infinately better. Something I would work on is your battle damage. You are doing exactly what I did with my first two predators and are putting big indistinct blobs of them on there.


Seeing as how I have been there, here is how I got away from it (And this is pretty much the only part of painting the minis that I do not suck at). For any weapon damage I would take a look at the size of the barrel of the weapon. Do a rough looking star of black (5 to 9 points) and put a rough cicrle in the middle of that is just barely larger then the prospective hole. Add a circle of boltgun metal the size of your weapon hole in the middle of the star. Wash it with a brown wash with a little bit of black added in. Apply a small dot of mithril silver on top, and I mean small. For scraping damage a quick very light dry brush (seriously, very light) of mithril along the edge that was supposed to be scraped will look like fresh scraping damage. It will look like some of the paint was removed from the damaged area, but not all of it because scrapes are not perfect. For say plate movement and constant contact areas do the same thing as for bullet holes but instead of stars and circles start with a thin line and keep each coat smaller then the last. Where you did the thin line on the bottom left of the model from head on, that is what you are looking for right there. Oh, and never do a full panel as battle damage, like the one as you look at the model head on, on the bottom right. To have that much area damaged you would need to cut out large portions of the pannel and really do a number on the model to get it to look right. You are just not going to acheive the effect properly with paint alone. In terms of battle damage less is more. And by that I mean, smaller battle damage is better, just add a lot of smaller ones instead of using big battle damage.


Still, I do like seeing models painted up in FT livery, and I like those saw blades on the wings every time I see them. And the more times you work with a model the easier it is to get a feel for where it should have battle damage. If this is your first one I definately amd looking foreward to seeing you finish the next two.

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April's WD also has a Flesh Tearers Stormraven in it and, while it has more black that I like to see, yours has more character. They also screwed up and made the Death Company black and red instead of dark grey and red like it's supposed to be for the Flesh Tearers (or I should say, used to be until the new 'dex).
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The camera is unforgiving on that model. It looks alot better, smoother paint, in person. I might do the cockpit canopy black as well for the next Stormraven. I saw that whitedwarf, seems a bit overboard and random with the black parts. Our power armor heraldry is shoulderpads, helms and backpacks in black. Most of the armor is dark red. I try to follow/convert that over to their vehicles as well.
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That Stormraven is masterfully painted. It has a nice, crisp paint job, like any Imperium vehicle would, but the battle damage brings it into the 40k universe in a big way. It reminds me a lot of 'eavy Metal to be honest.


I'd say the same for your Rhino and I'm sure it's true, but the pics are blurry.



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