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GW Grey Knights issue: Great article on a FT army


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I was really pleasantly surprised to see a very long article showcasing someone's army in White Dwarf this month. I was doubly happy because it was also a Flesh Tearer's force!


It's several pages long, includes a brief painting guide and loads of fotos of the finished army including some interesting 'reverse' schemed vehicles.


Look out for it, my subscription just landed

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Yep I had my WD since last week & like the BA second wave WD it brillaint.


Really like article like this, going through a army. Though may not collect this or that army, still ton of really great advice & idea to use on your own armies. Would recommend people pick up this issue.



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If they put in a personal army every month in White Dwarf that is the same quality of this one, I'd buy it every month. I love it when they have people's personal armies rather than the studio's army either in review (like they did this month) or in a battle report. That's probably the thing I miss the most - I remember a great Battle Report from the American side (back when we still had that) that was John Schaefer(sp?)'s Deathwing vs. ... was it something that Dave Taylor put on the table? Those were some of the better articles...


Anyone, just flipping though that section with that beautiful army was really cool. I've just started working on my Flesh Tearers again, and I've got to say that this article inspired me to finish of my first assault combat squad.

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