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New FT army


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Hi there guys,

Just wanted to say Hi as I'm new to this site. Been a gamer and painter for many many years now, have tried most armies and have got a few on the go at the mo. Stumbled across the Flesh Tearers and thought what a great idea!!

Will be doing mine with the idea of Mitchell from Being Human, regretful of the butchery and violence but still slip into it evey now and then.

I'm going to make them dark and moody looking but with alot of pomp and ceremony too. Things like using the Sanguinary Gaurd as normal assault troops, painted in the standard colours with black wings. I'm going with the idea that they will be so few in number that the pride of being a Flesh Tearer will make them spend hours polishing and looking after their personal armour (bucking the trend a bit I know) IF I have vehicles they will be less looked after as there will be no dedicated drivers and stuff.


Basically basing them on Vampires that want to do good by the Emperor but slip into the old habbits evey now and then...


Anyone got any views or idea's for this?

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Keep to flat, subdued and gritty colors overall. If you add a bit more gory details avoid all bright colors so they don't look cartoony.


Going for plain and simple Scab Red and Chaos Black...

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Keep to flat, subdued and gritty colors overall. If you add a bit more gory details avoid all bright colors so they don't look cartoony.


Going for plain and simple Scab Red and Chaos Black...


Scab red (can clash a bit with mechrite red, might want to try a different foundation or primer) is good but you could consider using a dark charcoal variant (chardon granite for example) instead of chaos black. It's a lot easier to shade and highlight while keeping a gritty look.


The space wolves pack is an excellent source of special weapons, unusual close combat weapons and heads with fangs if you want them. Most pieces are usable but a lot of them will require trimming off space wolf insignia, runes or top-knots. If you want to go for a brutal look I think this is a better purchase than any of blood angel offerings.

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Keep to flat, subdued and gritty colors overall. If you add a bit more gory details avoid all bright colors so they don't look cartoony.


Going for plain and simple Scab Red and Chaos Black...


Scab red (can clash a bit with mechrite red, might want to try a different foundation or primer) is good but you could consider using a dark charcoal variant (chardon granite for example) instead of chaos black. It's a lot easier to shade and highlight while keeping a gritty look.


The space wolves pack is an excellent source of special weapons, unusual close combat weapons and heads with fangs if you want them. Most pieces are usable but a lot of them will require trimming off space wolf insignia, runes or top-knots. If you want to go for a brutal look I think this is a better purchase than any of blood angel offerings.


Thanks mate, didnt think of the space wolves, but yeah that is the look im going for. Was thinking of Necron Abyss instead of the black

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Thanks mate, didnt think of the space wolves, but yeah that is the look im going for. Was thinking of Necron Abyss instead of the black

The double edged chainswords are my favorite because unlike the ones from the berserker box they don't look like cricket bats.


Blue and red usually clash, and highlighting blue is tricky if you want to avoid the cartoony look. But you are probably a better painter than me anyway, if you can pull it off, go for it.


For the power weapons I've been experimenting with making them jet black or bronze, I think they look cooler that way. No pictures unfortunately since all my stuff is currently in boxes :D

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will experiment with a few old models first. Then will post some pics on here of the realt boys. Going for a massive assualt based army, jump packs everywhere. With maybe an old school predator to do anti-vehicle
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