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Highlighting Purple


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Hi all !


Just a quick question how would you go about highlighting the colour purple ?


I have recently started playing 40k and i absolutely love the colour scheme of the Hawk Lords http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Hawk_Lords so i am going to collect and paint a Hawk Lord chapter but i am confused as to how i go about highlighting purple.


Is it as simple as a base coat of black , then a dark purple and progressively lighter and lighter shades of purple ?


Any help, tips, hints in regards to highlighting purple and painting Hawk Lords in general would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance !

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Basically, yes. Dark base, lighter highlights are the way I'd go.


Personally I'd get a lighter shade by using a lighter purple to mix with the purple you have and then work up from, say, a 50/50 mix to the lighter purple. If you can't get a lighter purple then I'd mix in pink with purple for the highlights but not go all the way up to pure pink. Use your judgement for that one, bro. ^_^


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