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From when bolters were red and launchers had magazines...

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Overall paint job looks fine. I understand what you are going for with the gray but keep in mind that if you were painting a shoulder pad the size of a basketball you wouldn't have any trouble getting the paint to cover all the way to the edges. Marines always struck me as patient, perfectionist types, but this is still you choice.


Some dry brushing on the Sarge's hair will make him look a little waxy.

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Overall paint job looks fine. I understand what you are going for with the gray but keep in mind that if you were painting a shoulder pad the size of a basketball you wouldn't have any trouble getting the paint to cover all the way to the edges. Marines always struck me as patient, perfectionist types, but this is still you choice.


Some dry brushing on the Sarge's hair will make him look a little waxy.


There is a reason for that. Most of the shoulder pads were initially pained on perfectly and kept to a high standard, but their status as renegades tends to take time away from that. The reason why most of the paint around the edges of their shoulder pads seems to be missing and in a few cases seems to have flaked away entirely is because their concerns tend to be on things besides getting the paint job right.

They don't so much think "I must have this armour perfectly assembled, painted and polished to show my honour" as "dear Emperor! Where am I going to get enough bolter shells to keep me alive for the next drop pod assault!?"


It's for this same reason as to why the top of Calagar's banner seems to be chipped along with the forefingers of his gauntlets, and why the edges of the occasional bolter have been worn down. And why one of the marines at the back appears to have stolen his backpack off of a Blood Angel.


Also, what colours would you suggest for dry brushing his hair?


Needs more flock. I love flock.


Likewise, however, most of my money is going towards more vital things at the moment. Hence why most of them lack flock and still have sand bases.

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