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BA Combat Patrol


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So...I am playing in a Combat Patrol Tourney on 4/2.


Here are the rules of engagement:


Armies are no more than 400 points.

You MUST have at least one Troops choice.

You MAY (optional) have one HQ choice, but no more than one.

You may spend remaining points from anywhere in the Codex.

No models can have more than 2 Wounds.

No Special Characters.

No 2+ Saves.

No vehicles with a total Armor Value greater than 33. This is calculated by adding the Front, Side and Rear armor numbers (only count the Side once).

No ordnance weapons.


I play Blood Angels and have at least ONE of every model ever made for the BA's, except for Land Speeders.


Any Ideas for the above rule set?


If I take an HQ, I will probably take a Sanguinary Priest.....

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Well it depends on what you prefer to run, but I think that a list with Death Company and sniper scouts could be fun. I would use:



Death Company (x5) w/ 1 PW, 1 PF, 3xbolters, Rhino w/extra stormbolter


Scouts (x5) w/ sniper rifles, ML, and camo cloaks.


The death company give you a VERY good assault unit that should handle most other units that can be fielded at this level, and the scouts help give suppression fire to anything that might give the Death company pause. Hope it helps and you should post how it goes!

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I'd throw in a flamer somewhere because IG, nids, Orks, and Eldar can get a lot of bodies very cheaply. For the sake of getting more bodies on the table I would not recommend DC and I'd shy away from HQ's as they are expensive for this point limit. Tactical squad. Flamer and a special CC weapon if you choose and a missile launcher. Combat squad. Add in a 5-man RAS with a melta bomb or maybe a PW and you've got room for a MMAB for anti-tank. Be aware that Eldar can take wraithguard. Yes, it's a bit of a douchey move but some guy did it in my combat patrol league and they were tough to bring down. My lists below may be a bit generalized and underpowered relative to most but have at it.


Tactical Squad (10)


*Missile Launcher


Assault Squad (5)

*Power Weapon


Attack Bike (1)



Scout Bike Squadron (3)



Alternatively you may consider the following


Tactical Squad

*Power Weapon





Assault Squad

*Power Weapon


Attack Bike Squadron


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Hmm, personally I'd run this.


2 Tac Squads with Melta and ML- 350

1 Sang. Priest- 50


Stick the priest in one squad and keep the other within the bubble for FNP goodness.


The FC will give you a nice boost if you need to assault. Plus the special weapons give you some decent anti-armor for cheap.


Plus, 21 bodies is pretty good for 400 points.

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I would probably avoid DC at these points levels. The primary reason being if you face Eldar or DE they will probably end up having a full squad of Howling Baneshees or Wych Elves. Either of which is going to ruin your day if you are relying on DC. I do not have my codex on me, but two tac squads and a SP sound like a very good idea, but I would probably give one squad a flamer instead of a melta weapon just for a bit better anti-horde, which gives you a small amount of left over points that can't get you a power weapon, but maybe a plasma cannon? Then combat squad em so you can have your assault element of the squad and your fire support element. The only problem would be a lack of any power weapons, and the would be bad against other marines. I mean, have you seen what happens when two marine squads get into close combat and no one has a power weapon? It takes FOREVER.
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@ Stonedog... are you by any change playing in the Combat Patrol tourney in Pretoria South Africa? If not it's going to be a very VERY big coincidence as I'm playing in one on 4/2 that is also a 400pnt Combat Patrol. The rules are the same as what you posted, and no, we do not HAVE to have an HQ, even a Srg in a squad can be nominated to he the patrol leader/commander.


Our BA is looking a bit thin at 400 points. What I'd definately suggest you do is take a priest. fo 50points you'll double all your wounds from FNP, and Furious Charge can make a difference against other marine armies.


Try and get a Melta, metla bomb or PF in the squads. When we played in this tourney last year there were some cheesy Ork Killacan and IG walker lists. I think an Eldar one as well. Facing 6 killa'cans with missiles can hurt if you're cought in the open, not to mention that in CC you're toast! Last year the Orc killa'can list won overall.


I like the idea of "Sir Blayse"... 21 bodies can make a difference, but to walk over the table to an objective when playing against a SW army with 2 Longfang squads can hurt very quickly.


BA strenght at 400pnts will be the Priest and then either DOA style (jumpacks) or Fast Vehicle (Rhino, Razorback) for movement... but remember to bring some armour penetrating wepons you'll need it.


The big thing is bring as many feet on the ground as you can spare, and then make them survivable (priest?).

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I've played a list that looks like this:



Librarian, JP, blood boil, fear


Honour guard, JP, 2xplasma guns, 2x storm bolter



Assault squad x8, JP, melta bombs and LC on sarg.


Quite few bodies, but the mobility that JP's give is worth it IMO. The HG can take all melta instead of plasma, it depends on the enemy.



EDIT: I just realized that we played 500pts, not 400pts. Darn.

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Here is what I am going to go with:


Sanguinary Priest w/ Jump Pack


5 Man Tac Squad w/ Flamer and Melta Bombs for the Sergeant


5 Man Dev. Squad w/ 3 Heavy Bolters and 1 Multi-Melta


2 Attack Bikes with Multi Meltas


This way I can have boots on the ground that can deal with hordes very well and will have ways to deal with armour.


The attack bikes are survivable and move fast enough to get to enemy armour, get in close and fry them with the meltas....


This list is exactly 400pts.



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My usual combat patrol is as follows



5x Sniper scouts



5x Dev squad 4x Missile launchers


Elites Sternguard x7, 1 heavy flamer and 2 combi melta


Works pretty good loads of anti horde and well Sternguard hurt most things


Not very Blood Angely but yeah it works Pretty well when I have used it.

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The sad thing is that both Nids and Orkz can field an outrageous amount of bodies for 400 points. Plus those bodies are made for CC. In most cases I would prefer to have as many bolter shots as I can. If you can soften them up in the two foot range, then you might be able to pistol them and assault. Of course I would try and use terrain to my advantage and just fire away to whittle them down. Bugs and greenies suck at assaulting into terrain in most cases and should give you the advantage.


I like the idea of changing one melta for a flamer and say melta bombs. I really can't think of any way to squeeze in PW's without seriously dropping model count, which would lose your other special weapons.


Long fangs would be horrible to deal with, but not much is going to help you there.


Also, a tac marine can only take a special like a flamer if the squad has ten men.

I like the 5-man devs, but I think all missiles would be better. It will help you insta-kill targets and deal with armor, plus the blast markers can wreak havoc on horde armies.


I've never run attack bikes, so not sure there. I was wondering why the priest has a JP, I would rather see him with a PW in that list.


I like whitefire's list also, except I'd say only do 5 sterns and use the extra 50 for a priest. The FNP and FC are worth a lot more than just two bodies in that case.

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Here is what I settled on:


Sanguinary Priest w/ Power Axe (counts as a Power Sword) and melta-bombs


5 man Tac Marine Combat Squad w/ melta-bombs for the Sergeant bolters for the rest


5 man Dev Squad; Sergeant w/ melta-bombs; 2 heavy bolters; 2 missile launchers


2 Attack Bike with multi-meltas


Dead on 400pts......should be a nice load out for a mech patrol or horde patrol.


I can sustain heavy fire on a lot of bodies and at the same time flank with the fast attack bikes to get in and kill armour! Even the squads can hurt armour with the melta-bombs!

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