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Lamenters Captain Niris


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So, I promised myself I'd never make a Count-As in my Lamenters army, but I took a conversion challenge on making a Dante Count-As conversion challenge at my local Games Workshops Badab War campaign, in which you had to successfully incorporate a Loyalist Special Character Count-As into your army. Not wanting to be outdone, I had my own own take on it. Also wrote up some background to make him fit a little bit better.





Pieces Used:

1. Astorath The Grim body

2. Command Squad Company Champion Power Sword

3. Command Squad Company Champion Shoulder Pad

4. Tactical Squad Shoulder Pad

5. Tactical Squad MK 6 Helmet

6. Tactical Squad Upgrade Sprue Chainsword

7. Death Company Melta Pistol

8. Shrike Jump Pack (Saved and stripped in Simple Green)

9. Venerable Dreadnought Iron Halo

10. Plastic Grey Knight Terminator Tabard

11. Imperial Guard Heavy Weapon Sandbag

12. Imperial guard Tank Commander Shoulder Pad

12. Dark Angel Upgrade Heraldry Shield



“Considered perhaps to be an anomaly among his brethren, Niris leads the 8th Company, or better said, the remnants, as of post Badab War. Upon his recruitment to the Chapter over five-hundred years ago, Niris was deemed to be a somewhat dark omen. The first aspirant to meet Niris as a youth, immediately had purple warpfire burst from his eyes, his voice amplified in an inhuman tone. He spoke the words “On the dawn of the eight leader, we will be in crisis” before he collapsed. That youth eventually became Chief Libarian Ataris, hundreds of years later. It was from that day that forth that Niris was watched in-depth as he progressed through the Chapter. Whenever possible, it was always Niris that chose to volunteer Jump Pack insertion missions or attacks, and Niris who would always be the first into the fray. He would never miss a step, never falter. The Lamenter would always find his footfalls touched as that of a angel. Upon his elevation to sergeant of an Assault Squad, Techmarine Argathio; a brother saved from death by Niris in the climax of a battle against the Eldar; built the Lamenter Sergeant a new suit of armor. One of sculpted perfection and fibre, to represent the first sight of perfection the enemy would see descending upon them on swift wings. Two hundred and twenty-five years later, now darkly famed for his growing aggression in and appreciation of the aesthetics of war, Niris and a Strike Force of thirty marines he commanded, uncovered a Lamenters frigate fused into the Space Hulk “Tide Of Malice”. After encountering and defeating wave after wave of Genestealers aboard the hulk, the Lamenters came upon the armory of the frigate. This is where Niris would discover the “Amulet Of Triasta”. A relic of the third Chapter Master of the Lamenter, who was famed for weakening a man with but a single look to his face; now was by all rites of the Chapter, belonged to Niris. It was also at this same armory that the Lamenter did acquire the sacred “Blade of Will”; pulling the blade free from a long-dead Broodlord pinned to the wall thousands of years ago. When he first held the blade in his grasp, did the fair-of-face Sergeant feel the genetic encoders of the blade activate, turning the already flickering power sword into an electrical storm of power. Perhaps out of coincidence, perhaps not, the attacking Genestealers fled the scene in that moment of activation, their set ambush interrupted and announced. None survived. With the relics and data soon secured, Niris and his heavily diminished force returned with high honors. It would be further years down the road to glory that the Sergeant’s image in the eyes of his brothers would change. Slowly turning from the charismatic aggressor and boisterous Sergeant, the blonde-haired Lamenter would be further known as one of morbid humor, his gaze one of steel, and is wrath defined as righteous. The exact same attitude of the long-deceased third Chapter Master. Though, in his eventual rise to Captaincy, it was upon his day of coronation as Captain of the 8th Company, did the Lamenters become involved in the conflict that would be known forever as; The Badab War. Niris’ survival, as well as his remaining company brothers, could be attributed to what could be called a near mastery of his ambush tactics, and near flawless jump pack descent, further made perfect by the cold calculations of the captain. Striking at the heart of the enemy whenever he could, even against the Minotaurs, Niris reaped a fearsome toll as he descended into hell. At the end of the war, the Captain could be found leading the mainstay of Jump Pack assaults, bringing his wrath to the enemy, one day at a time. Taking life, heedless to the potential cost of his own, or his warriors.“


-Matt :)

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I love the model although an investment in a fine detail brush can get the idea effect of the eyes.


Over all it is a great build and a great paint job!!!



I did use a fine detail brush.... ;)


Oh wow... :P


Don't worry about that mega. I've seen far worse out there (if it makes you feel better - I can't paint eyes well. Never have).

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