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Blood Angels Shoulder Pads


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Recently I have noticed that certain publications have the blood angels shoulder pads painted as red with a black band rather then the all red of the current dex.


Is this how they used to look or is it just mistakes of the artist ?

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Yea dude, tis the old school way. My old 2nd-3rd ed Angels were all red pads with black trim, with the reverse for the sgt's. It's a shame they dropped it for plain red in my opinion, and it's good to see quite e few forces still marching (or flying as is often our case) to war with these colours!
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Yeah the black trims has been around since the 2nd Edition and was official for the BA's. As in every marine except Sgt's had a black trim on a red pad, and Sgt's had black with red trim. I never liked the full red. Being a 2nd Ed Head it just always looked wrong to me. That little bit of black really helps break up the red and define the shape and bulk if the marine.
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I followed the army in 4th edition rule book, which had black shoulder trims and yellow chest eagles (which I interpret as gold). Fluff wise I assume they have had slightly different colour schemes over the millennia. 4th edition actual shows the new colours in its painting guide, presumably for ease, and it is carried through in 'How to paint Space Marines'. The black trim is much better aesthetically, I think they made a bad call here.


I assume the chest eagle changed so that they could have the winged blood drop in company colours. This was the moulded chest emblem of, for example, the two BA metal sergeants. These days it hardly appears. The only plasic torso with it is the one from the Baal Predator, so I can see no reason not to revert to yellow/gold.

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Im painting mine up with black trim but not sure which to go for on my sergants, the reverse idea is good but which company uses the gold trim and how exactly is this presented, a red pad with a gold trim?

(I've only recently started painting blood angels again after doing my word bearer army.. The last blood angels I painted were in 2005/06 around the time when the tyranids were revamped)

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Im painting mine up with black trim but not sure which to go for on my sergants, the reverse idea is good but which company uses the gold trim and how exactly is this presented, a red pad with a gold trim?


As far as I know there isn't 'officially' any BA company that uses gold trim (or any colour trim) to determine its company number. The company is designated by the colour of the blood drop on the left shoulder pad. The trim always remains black (except sgt's). This does becoume a nuisance for 5th company marines with a black blood drop though with the sgt'sblack shoulder pad.


However, you could paint the trim gold and call it a crusade company mark or something. Your army after all. just nothing solid to confirm it in the fluff.

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Im painting mine up with black trim but not sure which to go for on my sergants, the reverse idea is good but which company uses the gold trim and how exactly is this presented, a red pad with a gold trim?

(I've only recently started painting blood angels again after doing my word bearer army.. The last blood angels I painted were in 2005/06 around the time when the tyranids were revamped)

As said officially, none use gold trim.


I use gold trim on my models for Veterans (Sternguard, Vanguard, Honor Guard) as well as ICs. I like the way the gold looks on the red pad and makes the special units/models stand out a bit (especially since I don't paint the helmet colors different for different types of units).


As for sergeants, I just paint them the same as the squad. So Assault squad/tactical squad/dev squad have red pads with black trim.

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Ok thanks for that. Still undecided as to which chapter I'd like to represent as I'd like to read more into the subject (can anyone link me to some info please) and I'm gonna be busy doing my DC a little while anyway which gives me more time to think.
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Must be in the minority here but I actually prefer the all red trim. Apart from anything else it helps distinguish them from Angels Encarmine, who still have the black trim and the black wings with red blood-drop logo. If you go with the older schemes the only distinction is a slight change in the shape of the wing.


On an unrelated note, the Angels Encarmine assault marine in the latest codex has a red helm with a yellow skull. Does this mean they don't use the helmet markings? If so are there any notes on the markings they do use?

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An alternative is one of the successor chapters. Some have the old BA colour scheme, while the Blood-drinkers follow the Codex markings, which would give you BA look but with the varied shoulder trims of the codex companies. I have a vague idea that the ultramarines use gold instead of yellow for fluff reasons. I use gold for special units like the honour guard. It is the no trim at all look which I think looks very unfinished.
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I think that the 3rd Co still runs with the black trim on the shoulders.


Since no-ones commented I'm sure there's one or two people thinking that guy doesn't know what he's talking about but there is some truth to it:


When Mk7 armour was first released back in RT GW made a firm point that chapters had a full parade uniform but would frequently simplify it when on campaign such as dropping the trims - then during 2nd edition the BA were always shown in full parade uniform, then in 3rd edition they dropped the trims from the miniatures however the Index Astartes article specifically showed red pads both with and without trims even going so far as to label as different companies - personally I've always taken that to indicate that the RT fluff was still in effect and that it was up to the individual Captains to decide when to leave the trims off. The Armageddon 3 IA went even further illustrating 2nd Company Tactical & Devastators without but the Assault squad with.

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