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Angels Of the Storm

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Although the posting of painted minis to an open forum is to allow an individual to receive comments and criticism for their work, I will remind all that the purpose is to provide positive comments and criticism.


Because no one model painter will be on the same level as another, it doesn't open the doors to leave negative criticism as to how one tackles a particular aspect of a model.

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Although the posting of painted minis to an open forum is to allow an individual to receive comments and criticism for their work, I will remind all that the purpose is to provide positive comments and criticism.


Because no one model painter will be on the same level as another, it doesn't open the doors to leave negative criticism as to how one tackles a particular aspect of a model.



I can't agree with you more. If you give constructive criticicm. Do it in way that helps but not in way the says Im a douchebag.

Im not a pro painter, Im just not. Thanks all of you for the commits and criticism on my army.

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Brother Isiah's innocent inquire is astute observation; it is indeed an incredible waste of a model to paint the glass parts in such a garish way. Even if you cannot paint the pilot well or don't have time, there is no excuse not to paint him one color and place him in the cockpit.




You sir are rude and an ass. Also I like more positive feedback and your feedback left little to desire. I find positive feedback does better for fostering good work in others.


Sorry, but that's more than rude. Sure, Caliban was a little harsh here, but to overreact and call him names isn't going to help anyone.

If he feels you're wasting a model by not painting the interior (which I personally agree with but wouldn't tell a stranger in a forum), let him have his opinion; if you dislike the comment, ignore it, but don't insult him.

Remember: it's important you like your models.

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Brother Isiah's innocent inquire is astute observation; it is indeed an incredible waste of a model to paint the glass parts in such a garish way. Even if you cannot paint the pilot well or don't have time, there is no excuse not to paint him one color and place him in the cockpit.




You sir are rude and an ass. Also I like more positive feedback and your feedback left little to desire. I find positive feedback does better for fostering good work in others.


Sorry, but that's more than rude. Sure, Caliban was a little harsh here, but to overreact and call him names isn't going to help anyone.

If he feels you're wasting a model by not painting the interior (which I personally agree with but wouldn't tell a stranger in a forum), let him have his opinion; if you dislike the comment, ignore it, but don't insult him.

Remember: it's important you like your models.




I agree, I may have over reacted and do apology for that. Its just some folks are a bit rash. I like my models and do try to paint them well. I like the look of my Storm Talon and not going to change how I paint them. I have ways painted canopies this way(I have a collection of US fighters the cockpits are painted has well). I do use the pilot bitz for other models and trade them if need be. thanks point it out to me Rogan.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi guys /gals,



I just finished my Land Raider "Lion's Fury" Its took awhile to complete do to lack of paint and down with the flu. so here he is.



Lion's Fury





Also here is a project Im working on it not quite finished yet. needs some wasing and weathering before its done but here is a pic of the Stormraven



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I have some more pics here is a Ravenwing attack squadron.



Hunter's Claw


Squadron Hunter's Claw






More Bikers



Attack Bike



Land Speeder


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I like your color scheme, its quite interesting. I quite enjoy purple space marines and the addition of the grey?( Or is it washed down silver) Helps to not make the purple over bearing. Also, don't get discouraged by any potentially disrespectful comments that may appear on the boards. What's important is that you like what you have accomplished.

Solid job over all, I'm assuming this is your first Marine army? Possibly first 40k army?

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I like your color scheme, its quite interesting. I quite enjoy purple space marines and the addition of the grey?( Or is it washed down silver) Helps to not make the purple over bearing. Also, don't get discouraged by any potentially disrespectful comments that may appear on the boards. What's important is that you like what you have accomplished.

Solid job over all, I'm assuming this is your first Marine army? Possibly first 40k army?




No this is my third Marine Army. My first was the Dark Angels(RT and 2nd Ed), I lost that in a house fire along with eldar and orks. My second army was my Storm Dragons( aka Copper Tops). my third is what you see now, Angels of the Storm(DA successor chapter)

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Very cool :) Any plans to make an Azrael stand in? Is the storm raven for some allies? Or home rules



Plan on use it Apoc games only. I did order a Stormeagle this week. The fluff for my DIY chpater they use all and any space marine vehicles they can get there hands on. This mean asking the chapter for STC of armour or aircraft. This as lead to alliences the many chapters. They will sometimes field test new vehicles for other chapters, this how they get new STC vehicle and space crafts. My Chapter is a highly mobile Chapter. they field a lots of armour and APCs. They over 200 pieces of armour and APCs.


As for Azze I planned to custom build him from varies part of other marines. as well Ezekel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brother Sgt. Eli has an amazing color scheme. I really am a huge fan of it. The predator has a really nice color pattern as well. A whole army of this is going to look fantastic on the table, especially offset by some trees and other green terrain.


Well done, my friend. For me, choosing a good color scheme is the most difficult part of making a new army. You've hit the nail on the head with this one.

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Brother Sgt. Eli has an amazing color scheme. I really am a huge fan of it. The predator has a really nice color pattern as well. A whole army of this is going to look fantastic on the table, especially offset by some trees and other green terrain.


Well done, my friend. For me, choosing a good color scheme is the most difficult part of making a new army. You've hit the nail on the head with this one.


Thanks you the color scheme is my wife's idea. Scheme on the tanks comes from the Red Scorpions paint style. So i can not credit for it. I do have pics of my army on the field. I may just post them soon.



I can see your painting skills improve with each finished group. The scheme you have on your marines is looking really cool.


Thanks you. I do like the color scheme and my using new painting skills.



As always C&C is most welcome.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I did some differ to my army and made a color change of sort. Here is a before and after pic of My Land Raider.









After the color change:






Also Some new models


4th Co. Master Alexander




Chaplain on bike







Deathwing Squad Keith's Guardians



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