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Angels Of the Storm

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Great army with visible improvement as you go :D I only have 2 nitpicks.


1. The robes on your Company Vets look a bit chalky, maybe a view coats of thinned Black wash would smooth that out.


2. I honestly prefer your original Purple as it had a nice warmth to it alongside the coldness off the metal.


Other than that I have nothing but praise, Keep it up ;)

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Here is what im working on next.


Vet. Sgt Whiteside











also Lion's Wrath



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  • 1 month later...
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  • 4 months later...

Lost Brother freakiq is quite right. I think a painted canopy looks good and even if he used foul xenos as an example I gotta admit it looks quite good! I'd totally want to see a storm talon with a pained canopy look. Looks good dude! But play around with the effect and I think you'll get a great result. 


And that is one mean looking Land Raider


Looks like it goes over and takes other landraider's lunch money

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  • 10 months later...

That's a very bold and noble scheme for Sons of the Lion. I enjoyed looking through this blog, I imagine the force looks rather tidy all arrayed together. The Ares take my spot for favourites though, I always love Raider variants. The new Talon/Fighter looks sweet.

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I like the scheme. Very original. One advice if I may. The interior shots make the paint-job look odd, the flash of the camera bounces off the metallic paint and hits the camera's sensor and blinds it from any kind of detail or variation in tone (this happens with all metallic paint and flashes or hard lights). The exterior ones really make your scheme pop and "shine" letting the viewer see all the shadowing and highlighting and colour variation. Try not to use flash but a milder lightning when taking the pics (unless you have a photo studio in your home). I really couldn't see the shadowing and high-lightning until I scrolled down to the exterior ones smile.png. Nice job overall, looking forward to more.

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  • 5 months later...

I have to say firstly great job on a well exacuted army. You clearly have your vision for them and I like that. I did feel that the change in the paint scheme on the vehicles did take way some unequivocal individualism as I've seem a few armies with a secondary colour that follows the panel stepping, that been said I still feel that the army is great.


I am also a personal fan of seeing the interior of a cockpit, and please don't take that as a criticism of your painting or decision at all, I think the flyers look good the way you have painted them and as has been said agree that you should paint how you feel comfortable and feel best gives your vision of the model. I will say that I feel you do miss the opportunity to show off your skill, (which is better than you give yourself credit for) by blacking out the canopy. Mix some of that purple you have with say Evil Suns Red for the pilot and spot colours of blues, oranges, and greens on the control panels and you'd add something to an already very well presented model.


My little observations are what they are my own personal opinion. As I have said great army and keep more coming.



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