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Red Wolves

Brother Lykaon

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Got any ideas already? Or even a general direction?


Space Wolf characters might bark at you a little if you say the Space Wolves are their founding chapter, and if you want to stick with fluff there was only one chapter from SW's and it wasn't the Red Wolves.

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Well, from what I can see, and from what I understand, they're a codex chapter, and thus more than likely come from the Ultramarines genestock.


Bloodfall is probably a feral world, which would make sense.


Red Wolves probably derives from a great lupine beast with reddish fur.

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How about you throw everyone a curve ball and make them ultra-civilised from a respectable planet.


When you hear the name Red Wolves and Space marine you imagine a band of nutters venerating the wolf, delighting in slaughter and red because they are covered in blood. You think carving the Blood Eagle into someones back, cannibalism, Chain Axes, sacrificial offerings and all manner of barbarity of the sort that would make Angron take a step back in respect or possibly disgust.


So how about having them be highly disciplined order of solemn warrior monks from a Cadia/Preatoria/Krieg type world.


But pleas, please, please on behalf of all that is Emperor-fearing do not make them Ginger Space Wolves.

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seconded, avoid anything Space wolfy like the plague. Maybe you could base their combat doctrine around how wolves hunt, nipping at the heels of a larger foe, herding them to a vulnerable point before dealing a killing blow.


Maybe they get promoted by fighting for position, creating a violent tension between brothers rather than a friendly rivalry.


They could have zero dreadnoughts because they kill any brothers too wounded to fight.

You could go so far with a wolf theme.

They could be stone cold badasses if you did it right, I look forward to seeing it bear fruit.


Just dont make them beardy, long haired vikings covered in trinkets and furs.



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  Darkchild130 said:
Maybe they get promoted by fighting for position, creating a violent tension between brothers rather than a friendly rivalry.


I really like the sound of that idea. Those higher up the food chain needing to constantly prove they are in charge. I would definitely avoid the barbaric or tribal feel.

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Well, what I've been thinking of doing with the Red Wolves is far from barbaric or tribal, given they're a codex chapter I assume they're pretty well organized, though in order to keep them from feeling like one of Guilliman's poster child chapters I want to give them a bit of a distinction (ala Mortifactors).


Bloodfall will be a Feral World for sure (as they produce the best aspirants), though the Red Wolves will be pretty rigid about the codex, but not anal retentive about it.


Idea for an aspirant proving himself worthy - some kind of hunt for an adult red wolf.

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Feral Worlds do provide excellent physical specimens for such things as Stealthiness, Hardiness and Close Quarters butchery.


Hive Worlds provide something similar but the Close Quarters is replaced with knowing what a gun is from the cradle. especially if you are recruiting from the Underhive Scum.

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