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Lamenters Dreadnought Naraitus Zhaltek


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Well, here's a good little side project of mine. Recovered from an abusive owner on Ebay, I rebuilt and fixed up this Assault On Black Reach Dreadnought as best I could. Hopefully I did him some justice.




My Terror Of The Maelstrom:







"Zhaltek was interred in M.39 after he fell in battle against Ork Pirates; largely thanks to his heroic sacrifice of jamming his arm down the Warboss’ throat and detonating a bundle of Fragmentation and Krak Grenades when the Ork managed to get a hold of the Lamenter in his Power Klaw. Having an exemplary record thus far, he continued even once interred. Among his saga, he has stormed through the corridors of Space Hulks and warships alike, slaughtering all who oppose him. On countless battlefields he has sent the foe running, or minced them in his grasp. It would seem none could challenge him, as he eventually grew bored of tireless war. Though, this attitude would change drastically during the Badab War. During the Murder Of Sagan, it was Zhaltek who personally led Breach-Assaults, time and time again; his Kill ratio reaching easily over 400 in the first day alone. When the Lamenters final battle of the Badab War came in the form of the Minotaurs, it would also be Zhaltek who would earn himself a permanent place in the Chapter Annals. When immobilized in the hangar bay of the Chapter Barque while protecting his comrades, the Lamenters Dreadnought killed all who came before him; holding the foe back and contesting the hangar for the entirety of the battle. The Lamenter even managed an enemy warmachine kill himself, smashing aside a Minotaurs Dreadnought that dare board the ship and draw too close for comfort, believing the Lamenter Dreadnought to be of no consequence to its own safety. It payed dearly for its arrogance, as its front glacis was blown open and the exposed pilot pulped to mush by the opposing Dreadnoughts Storm Bolter. Even upon the surrender of the Lamenters through attrition, Zhaltek still had the last laugh. Before the immediate order for ceasefire came, the mighty Lamenter fired his Fragmentation Cannon, shredding a Minotaurs Librarian who was about to deliver a killing blow to a brother who had already surrendered. Even in the Chapter’s Penitent Crusade, and eventual running into a Tyranid Hive Fleet, Zhaltek rejoiced. Whenever possible, he would stride forward, killing scores of Tyranid beasts and bugs alike. The mighty Dreadnought even managed the Crusades first recorded kill of a Hive Tyrant as well, shredding and pulping the Leader-beast into mush and gory entrails after ramming it into a nearby Land Raider with his own mass. Zhaltek’s legend can only grow from now on, it seems."


-Matt :whistling:

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Awesomee, just point out the claw is a blood fist to your opponent. Don't think the codex actually allows for claw and frag cannon, as you can swap both fists for claws at once, but not a claw for a fist.


also the fact that the claw rule only works if you have TWO blood talons. but hey, cool is all that matters :)

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Doh, that should have been "claw for cannon".


And cool rules. That's why we use Death Company and Sang Guard.


And fly in formation with speeders.


And have fast veichles so we can do a drive-by.


And are vampires.



Ok ok, I laughed. :P



Anyways, I think it works very well as a Blood Fist/DCCW/Whatever-the-hell-you-wanna-call-it in addition to a Talon. I always see such stupidly ornate hands on Dreadnoughts that a giant claw isn't out of the ordinary.

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Blood angels are Vampires?




Why don't they sparke?


Because they are the old world of darkness style vampires. The ones that kill things and take names. They are not the gay twilight vampires that run in fear of purse dogs.


Anyways, nice dread. I like the paint job a lot. Glad you could rescue it and bring it back into the service of the Emperor. Now you must send it forth to kill. The fluff for him if spot on as well.

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Wow! How did you do that claw? That is so cool :o I really like the color too. Not many people color BA yellow and it was actually one of the colors I wanted to do :rolleyes:


May I ask how you colored the yellow so nicely like that? ^_^ What steps you took?

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