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Fallen + Cult Troops


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Ok i have a Fallen Army for my Chaos guys and what i have done is made them look as minimal chaotic as possible. Only Aspiring champions, Terminators and HQ choices look Chaos. One such awesome thing is my Deamon Prince which i converted from the Forge World Dark Angel Drednaught.


Now what i am thinking is where to go with Cult Troops. So far i have a Beserker squad which i have made Skyrar's Dark Wolves. So what i am thinking is for the other 3 cult troops to do the same. To not have Fallen for it but to use renegade chapters, i want to steer away from the Legions. The main reason for this is i want my fallen to have the feel that they are a small force that are bringing in new renegades into their warband.


So what i am asking what should i use for:


Thousand Sons

Noise Marines

Plague Marines

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Thousand Sons

Closest I can think are Legion of the Damned


Noise Marines

Hmmm, tough one. Vanilla Marine Sternguard perhaps, to represent different ammo types and Bolter skill?


Plague Marines

Blood Angels Death Company spring to mind. Perhaps Death Company who have recovered from the Black Rage through bargaining with Chaos, so they are still incredibly resistant to damage, but are no longer rage-filled frothing psychopaths (well, as minimally rage filled psycopathy as it is possible to be as a Chaos Marine.)

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Nice suggestions, but not really what i was aiming. I was looking to use already Renegade warbands/chapters but were not sure which ones to use to represent the different cult troops.
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Closest I can think are Legion of the Damned


Legion of the Damned are extremely loyal to the Emperor, and all they want to do is die in battle, so thats out. However having a Dark Mechanicus Tech Priest with servitor retinue could represent thousand sons pretty well, with sorcery representing ancient technology.


As for the idea of plague marine death company, there is a renegade chapter of Blood Angels called the Knights of Blood, although they still consider themselves loyal to the Emperor. There is also the Purge, a warband that dedicates itself to nurgle.

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For plague marines, an option I see fairly often in, say Night Lord armies is to model up a squad of combat medics. This would represent the FNP nicely. Alternatively, a squad with heavy cybernetic implants would work nicely. The robotic limbs would represent the T5 and FNP, maybe archaoetech would represent the grenades. The implants aren't perfect so I3. Maybe renegade or DH Iron Hands
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