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Hey everyone,


I apologize first of all if ANY of this is in the wrong location. This is, as you can tell, my first post on these boards and I would not want to anger any of you BA players...especially if you are anything like the chapters fluff, heh.



So basically, I'm a brand new 40k player. I played when i was 8-10 back in 2nd edition...but back then we barely understood the rules and i basically just liked building IG tanks. When I decided to get back into 40k, I knew I wanted to pick a shooty, tactically difficult army that would put holes in everything and could just displace and relocate to wear down an enemy, which led me to the Tau. The problem is, at the moment their codex is outdated, so my plan is to slowly grow that army, painting it on the side for fun until the new codex is released.


That brings me to the Blood Angels. I'm looking for a tactically diverse, multi option, easy to be effective with army that is effective in close quarters....and that seems to be the MO here.


I'm hoping you folks can help me out by suggesting how I should get started building this army. I know that I want to focus on getting into CQC, and I know that I still do have that love of tanks, so I'm envisioning an eventual list that is loosely comprised of a librarian, some Assault marines in razorbacks, a DC terminator squad in a rhino, a dreadnought perhaps, and a couple of predators. Where would you recommend I begin, though?


thanks for the help in advance.

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Heh, it appears we're in a similar boat. I posted something very similar to this here just last night.


One thing I can tell you - there's no such thing as Death Company terminators and if there were they wouldn't be able to ride in rhinos. The advice I've been given is that core troops and transports are essential with Blood Angels. I'd look at starting out with some Rhino mounted tactical squads and build from there.

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bleh, I should know that about the DC folks. I've done SOME research, but I typed that post in haste.


I'm actually not all that interested in using Tac squads in general. I've read/heard/decided that they're uses are a little bit limited in the current codex when compared to other troop choices.


cheers though, good luck on your own army!

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Welcome Jester!


Tac squads are not useless, but they are also not necessary. Many players, myself included, play using just Assault marines as troops.


Blood Angels have some advantages, speed through jump packs or fast vehicles, access to Feel no pain and furious charge. We pay for those advantages in points, but its overall worth it.


Good luck with the Blood Angels and let us know any thing you need help with

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I do see your point, and that's EXACTLY why I settled on BA instead of one of the other codex's. I want something that moves fast, strikes hard, and generally throws the other guy off of his gameplan. Essentially the polar opposite to my Tau army.


Would you suggest I start out by getting a couple squads of assault marines? Or should I get maybe a box of assault marines as well as a HQ unit? I know I've seen that Reclus and Librarians are both very strong, and win out in different situations. I have no idea whether or not a Death Co. unit will have a spot in my list (though I think they will...since they seem awesome), but in that case, the reclus wins out, from what I've seen.


Mostly, I have the dough for an opening salvo of miniatures, but have no idea which ones to go for, and think I'd rather avoid the tac marines.

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well, you can get a BA battleforce, mix the squads and get a 10 man DC in a rhino and a 10 man jumpy assault squad out of it.


Add a reclusiarch or librarian and you have the start to a force.

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This is definitely a noob question, but to get a 10 man dc, do all 10 marines need the dc flair? From looking over the included pieces, It has the pads/arms/legs to make a 5 man DC assault squad, and leaving the jump packs off is easy enough, but in the end i'd end up with 5 assault marines with DC jump packs, and 5 tac marines with no DC markings on them, right?
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This is definitely a noob question, but to get a 10 man dc, do all 10 marines need the dc flair? From looking over the included pieces, It has the pads/arms/legs to make a 5 man DC assault squad, and leaving the jump packs off is easy enough, but in the end i'd end up with 5 assault marines with DC jump packs, and 5 tac marines with no DC markings on them, right?

well, you don't have to put the DC bits on them.


But the DC box has plenty of extra shoulderpads and bits to make the tac marines look more special. I'd probably mix the shoulderpads so each DC has a plain pad on one side and a special pad on the other.

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ah, roger. I just have never opened up a space marine sprue....so I'm learning as i go, and I dont have the money to get soemthing I don't need! haha ;)


you've been a huge help though. I'm sure even if I don't USE the DC every game, having it will be nice in situations where I'd like to mix it in.

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First off, welcome to you and AGPO.


As far as traditional "Terminators" go, they cannot ride in Land Raiders, nor are they of the "DC" variety unless you just paint them to match their crazed brothers.


When it comes to building your BA force, obviously you need the Codex. Read it front to back a couple of times and then determine if you want to be the traditional boys in red, or if one of the successors better suit your tastes.


NEVER buy Rhinos!!! Buy Razorbacks, which, if you leave the guns and mounts off can be used as Rhinos. Then if one day you decide to run Razorbacks, you've got the bits to do it, albeit just the Heavy Bolter or Lascannon options. Las/Plas and Assault Cannons have to be scrounged elsewhere.


Regardless of choosing pure BA or a Successor Chapter, you'll find that unless you use named characters as your HQ, regular Captains are useless in this edition of the rules. You can consider 5th Ed. as one of those times that each and everyone of our Captains (except Tycho) all fell to the Black Rage and our Librarians and Reclusiarchs are left in charge. At least that's what I tell myself and my Knights of Blood. ;)


Aside from that, I would recommend using everything that is unique to BA: DEATH COMPANY (sans JPs); deep-striking LRs; Furiosos (all 3 versions); FAST ATTACK Baal Predators; FAST tanks; and of course, our Stormravens. I use at least 1 of each, except for Baals and DC Dreads which are best in pairs.


Again, welcome, and Good Luck.

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