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Hi there :) New BA Intro and Questions


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Hi everyone! I'm one of those few girls at my LGS that actually are interested in 40k. Sadly no one at my LGS wanted to really help me because they thought I really wasn't interested. :P


I normally play Magic but I was always wondering what the people on the other side of the gameshop I frequent were doing so I went over two Fridays ago and checked it out. Watched a game and it was actually pretty cool! I love painting and I like how competitive they were getting. (I love tournaments and I do them all the time for Magic)


Well anyways hi, my names Ashlyn and was wondering if I could get some help from you guys so I can go and start playing this game. I got the mini rulebook and have read it over twice in the past 2 weeks. From all the beginners guides out there I read it said to familiarize myself with the rulebook first so I pretty much know all of that. Second it said to pick an army I liked that looked cool first and "competitive" second. After looking at all the armies I'm sure I want to do Blood Angels. The owner of the LGS I goto let me borrow a codex and I've read through it once only so please correct me if I'm wrong with anything! :lol:


I really want to play good and do well against the other guys there to show them I got what it takes to "fit in." Two of them have won 1st and 2nd at different 'ard Boys tournaments and others have won other high places in some local tournaments. From what I read online they are playing very tough armies to beat. I think one is Space Wolves and I saw one that I think was Imperial Guard. A lot of space marines and some orc lists that I heard them saw was like someone named Dash? So they seem pretty competitive and I want to do really well. Here are some questions I have ^_^


*note:They normally play 1850 and 2000 pt games from what I have seen*


-How do you play blood angels in a competitive environment? I'm thinking of doing something like 3 Baal Predators with The Bolter on the sides upgrades, 3 Predators (the heavy slot ones) with Bolters on the side upgrade and an autocannon on the top, and 2 Land Raiders with 10 man assault squads inside of them. Both assault squads will have 2 Meltaguns and 1 Power Fist. Also 2 Sanguinary Priests. Not sure which HQ to take yet...will this work? Is this the best way to play them against hard armies?


-Is lots of razorbacks with turrets bad? I read a lot of lists with a lot of razorbacks but it seems that they are easy to destroy. When I watch them play the razorbacks blow up so easily...that will take away mobility from the little crappy 5 man assault squads inside wont it? I also have read that space wolves do razorbacks more efficient and effectively?


-Any general tips or advice on tournament competitive blood angel play?



I'm sure there will be more questions coming soon. But thanks ahead! And I hope this isn't too much questions to ask. Hope to join the blood angel ranks soon ;)

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Welcome to the B+C and the Blood Angels teemoki!


To try to answer the questions:


There is nothing wrong with lots of Razorbacks, but Razorbacks are fragile. They work best when you have lots of them so even if a few go down, the rest can still do the job. I've faced armies with 3 Baals, 3 Preds and several razorbacks and it can be a pain to fight through that.


The most competitive lists for the BA seem to be the ones that focus either on lots of jump packs or lots of mech. For the idea you were describing I would suggesting making hte preds with lascannon sponsons and autocannon turrets and running the Raiders as either Crusaders or Redeemers. (I'd probably chose a Librarian with Shield and Unleash rage as the HQ in this list)


But before you do a lot of model buying, I suggest starting a thread in the BA army list forum to get more specific list advice.

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Welcome to the B+C and the Blood Angels teemoki!


To try to answer the questions:


There is nothing wrong with lots of Razorbacks, but Razorbacks are fragile. They work best when you have lots of them so even if a few go down, the rest can still do the job. I've faced armies with 3 Baals, 3 Preds and several razorbacks and it can be a pain to fight through that.


The most competitive lists for the BA seem to be the ones that focus either on lots of jump packs or lots of mech. For the idea you were describing I would suggesting making hte preds with lascannon sponsons and autocannon turrets and running the Raiders as either Crusaders or Redeemers. (I'd probably chose a Librarian with Shield and Unleash rage as the HQ in this list)


But before you do a lot of model buying, I suggest starting a thread in the BA army list forum to get more specific list advice.


Wow thanks for the quick reply James! Ya having that many things on the board would seem hard to kill. I'm just under the influence of them being too easy to pop open though. I saw a space wolf player (the one who won one of the ard boys) shoot like 5 or 6 razorbacks on turn 1 with all of his Devastator guys. It basically shutdown the other guy so badly there was really no way he could come back from it. That was my initial reason for wanting to have my stuff in Land Raiders.


I think I like the Crusaders ;) The librarian also sounds like a good choice. Thanks for those suggestions.


How is mech Blood angels suppose to play though? From what I read about other mech type armies mech Eldar (the other army I wanted to start but didn't like them as much) moves around so fast and shoots things and contests objectives last turn. Mech Orcs rushes everything forward with their wagon things and unload assault by turn 2 with a million guys... Mech IG sits back and shoots things till its gone lol. What about Blood angel mech armies? I'm having a hard time figuring out what they do. It seems very different and no clear cut "norm" playstyle they do. They are good at CC but a lot of stuff is range shooting...Thoughts on this?


Also...I don't mean to offend at all but with all respect to the Blood Angels that I will be starting soon...why do people say we are so good in CC and were like the best CC marines? It doesn't seem like that...Grey Hunters/wolvs? I don't remember the name but the space wolf troops seem MUCH better than our assault squads. The death company seem super expensive...Our assault terminators are just like everyone elses...is the only reason people say this because of our priest? I don't get it ;)

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as said welcome. and unlike some armys were balance with regards that we ca shoot or do cc. but due to the relatie eas we can give he entire army furious charge and even fnp, and that our assault marines are troops and therefore scoring... also every armys mech is quitedifferent. ours is faster than the wolves, and using synargy of chaplins/libarians/priests it can be awsome. dont getme wrong space woles are good at cc, but as we can be faster and stronger and hit more we can be better at cc than them.

also the assaultmarine veichle discount helps towards the mechanisation of forces. and that we have baal preds in fast, and normal preds in heavy gives us lots of shooty options. and that being fast majorly improves a tanks shootiing ability. we pay for it like but tis still worth it.

Finally keep asking questions its the easiest way to learn

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So you've decided that red goes fasta' have you? I agree with JamesI that you should get a feel for what others are using AND WINNING with. There are a few guys that play in tournies that have had success, so use them as your basis. Also, you must decide if you want to be Balanced or just crush the boys in your LGS once or twice until they figure it out. Do you want to overwhelm them with an All Descent of Angels list or All Fast Mech? What kind of resources do you have i.e. are you going to buy the actual BA models or proxy them with red-faced IG?


I would suggest a Terminator Librarian or Reclusiarch to lead your Strike Force + at least 1 BA Battleforce for starters. That gives you at least the requisite 1 HQ & 2 Troop choices (5-man Reg. Assault Squad, 10-man Tactical Squad & a 5-man non-scoring DC squad + Rhino). Then add everything that is exclusive to BA ie: deep-striking Land Raiders (Redeemers hold 12 models and Crusaders hold 16); Baal Predators - at least 2; at least 2 Predator Annihilators (TLAutoCannon w/HB sonsons) or 2 Vindicators (I have had 0% success with these). Throw in 2 Furioso Dreads (I use 2 DC Dreads with Blood Talons to distract the enemy from the rear by Drop Podding them on their heads); and finally 1 or 2 Stormravens.


If you want to just smash the boys, then maybe go All-DC on them: Astorath, TDA Reclusiarch, Lemartes, 3x10 DC (with 2PFs & TH each), DC Redeemer, DC Stormraven, DC Rhino, and 2 DC Dreads with 1 Drop Pod like me. That'll scare the beetlejuice outta them if you play it right.


BTW, where are you from? Most people forget to update their Profiles with their location. It might be easier to recommend things based on what part of the world you're from and the local meta.


Good Luck!

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as said welcome. and unlike some armys were balance with regards that we ca shoot or do cc. but due to the relatie eas we can give he entire army furious charge and even fnp, and that our assault marines are troops and therefore scoring... also every armys mech is quitedifferent. ours is faster than the wolves, and using synargy of chaplins/libarians/priests it can be awsome. dont getme wrong space woles are good at cc, but as we can be faster and stronger and hit more we can be better at cc than them.

also the assaultmarine veichle discount helps towards the mechanisation of forces. and that we have baal preds in fast, and normal preds in heavy gives us lots of shooty options. and that being fast majorly improves a tanks shootiing ability. we pay for it like but tis still worth it.

Finally keep asking questions its the easiest way to learn


Thanks Nathan! :) I appreciate the "keep asking questions" part a lot :D


Ok so unlike most other armies we are a very balanced army and that's how we are suppose to play to be most effectively? It seems that we are kind of like orcs then since we move up with vehicles with CC units like Rhinos and LR's and then have support from our shooting baals and normal predators. Like they move up with trukks and wagons and have support with lootas...Is this how we should be playing? In other words, moving up with CC units in transports while other support things shoot enemies down?


Also...about moving up fast to get our guys into CC while they receive support. I am confused about the razorback and "spam" that people do with it. It's cool that they get discounts on the vehicle so they get that weapon on top...but the inside unit of 5 guys seems really crappy for CC. How does an army that just masses this razorback + 5 man assault squad thing even do well in CC? Isn't that our strength and we should be using our Assault squads for that? Seems 5 assault squads wont scare anyone much :cry: Or am I missing some special rule or something they have that makes them real good?


That brings up another thing. Wouldn't Rhinos and Land Raiders be better for transporting CC units so you can have more of them?


Are our assault squads really that great in close combat? Seems like 10 of them will lose to an orc nob squad or boys squad of 20+. How are we suppose to use them? Other armies close combat stuff have 2 or more attacks base + the extra one from those 2 close fighting weapons. Ours only has 1 base? Even though so many people talk about them with great respect and how awesome they are I just don't see any CC power from them as much...

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My favorite and most effective unit is power weapon and lightning claw equiped Vanguard Veterans. Look them up in the codex and don't forget to take into acount that we the Blood Angels have 'Desent of Angels' special rule, reroll for the unit in reserve, D6 scatter in Deep Strike, and with Vanguard 'Heroic Intervention'. My pair of five man 300pt. each squads have shocked people with their destructive power and timely arrival. I never regret taking them, or my Lascannon Plasma Cannon Devastators. good luck
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well thats how i play. and i wouldnt say other armys arnt balanced, just that the current lists leave themselves to be easily abused. as for the razor thing, well its about supporting each other. i have 2 full 10 man assault squads but they run with jump packs. i have a tactical squad but it sits back and shoots. which is all good caus ei know what to do with them. now with assault squads with transports, well i only use 1 and its a 5man with flamerback(twinlinked heavy flamer)in my last game it did nothing, well it appeard to buut because it was ignored as its only worth 150points ish and wasnt really a threat it was able to drive straight onto the opponents objective and take it. on its own 5 men wont do much, but when you consider several, and it only takes one man to tie up a unit in cc well opponents panik and make mistakes. its also cost effective usually as for each 5 man you get the discount, but for the 10 men squads you only get the one discount. as for the weapon systems, some people like the ability to engage tanks and tough infantry. but to me that distracts the assault squad too much, to i go for the flamer so i have to drive in and pile in. quick as i can.but no 5 men wont do much on their own, you wanta few squads hitting at once trying to almost overwhlem the opponents. blood angels need to work together. if you want an uber unit look elsewhere(well not quite the death co can do it but its generally not us)i find that if i start o divide up my force im overwhelmed and crushed. when everything works to gether then they bring the pain.


as for the cc thing. sure, butyour looking a troops. but then dont look at tacticals for cc(they are tacical, they can do i but i wouldnt rely on them to do anything. ) assault squads, relatively cheap etc, 1 attack base, +1 for 2 cc weapons. fairly standard. but this unit needs the charge. the extra attack makes the difference. actually all blood angels need te charge. its why we rock. due to the red thirst and he priests and death co rules (which when you play which eve sort of ba listyoushould try to make use of) will be able to gv you furious charge. this means that generally we will strike faster han most arys and harder too. combine that with a chappy or a libby with unlese rage ad it really hurts. and if you have feel no pain you usually half the casultys you recieve. and dontforget your sargents also gain the benifts for str 9 powerfist or str 5 lightening claw/powerweapon... etc. that help at all.

also note the special characters. most notibly mephson is an absolute beast, astro is quite good and buffs your army and unlocks the death company army(though his fluff leaves alot to be desired) sanguinator is cool, and dante nerfs an enemy hq and allows sanguary guard as troops. etc. seth aint bad either... that help at all?

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Welcome to the forums, game, and army! You did not make a bad choice with your army, as Blood Angels not only look good, they play even better, and have some awesome fluff to boot! One of the best things i can tell ya is that the first rule of list buildin is building a list you want to play. Mech Razorback lists are competitive and many people run them, but for me that is not what i would want to play. No matter how competitive it may be, i would not enjoy playing it, which kinda defeats the whole purpose of 40k, don't it?


The great thing about C:BA is that it is a very versatile codex, with quite a few versatile builds. I myself run more of a "Descent of Angels"/mech hybrid list, with 2-3 Jump Pack Assault squads, some baals/preds for fire support, a stormraven loaded down with death co., and The almighty Sanguinor himself to save the day!


Baals/regular preds are great fire support. Being fast they can get where they need to go quickly, or fire on the run. If you are lookin at land raiders, i would encourage you to look at the Stormraven. For about 50 points less, you get the same transport capacity, protection from melta, a faster transport, and more guns! I started running one about 8 months ago and now i never leave home without it.


Tournaments are a whole lot of fun, and can help you become a better player. I actually wrote a blog post not too long ago about first timers in tournaments, I'll post a link for ya if you want to read it

Tournaments PT. 1

Tournaments PT 2

Why you should take a Stormraven


And lastly, don't be afraid to use your resources, the BA forum is imho, the best on this site when it comes to knowledgeable help and replying to your posts. We got a good bunch here, so don't be a stranger!

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Kirby over at 3++ has written some real nice articles that cover some fo the aspects about playing BA;




Check the "Blood Angel" section...


My only advice is to try and find a mesh that works with your playing style, and builds to the strengths of the BA codex. If you can find someone to get a few practice games in with that will help you understand your playing style, or even draw from your Magic experience, are you an aggressive player, more tactical, ect...this will help you build a list that suits your style, for example;


For me I have learned that I am a very careful and deliberate player, not cautious, but calculating. So I favor lists that are balanced and have the ability to handle multiple threats while generating some of my own. When I first started playing BA I was building very "assault" focused lists, but I found my playing time to be frustrating and lacking...so take some time to invest in that area of thinking.


By the way, where do you game at, the store you a describing sound vaguely familiar?



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Brother Nathan that helps a lot!


Thanks so much! See what I kept getting confused over was everyone keeps talking about how assault squads are so good at close combat. Then they go around and spam razorbacks and take them in weak little 5 man squads lol :P Really made me question what was right and wrong. But you telling me that taking them in 10 man squads and possibly with jump packs makes more sense. Especially if they get the charge. Do you normally put a power fist in the squad or just Power weapons? If I'm correct the power fist attacks last so won't really help you take out enemies before you can attack them and if your going for higher inivitative vs other space marines because of furious charge then youd want to take out as much as you can during your initiative 5 while you have it right? So I'm assuming maybe power weapons? (But all the lists I see take power fists lol) What Am I missing?


What do you equip your tacticals with normally to sit back and shoot? Won't they only be able to shoot 1 missile launcher? (because of range?)


I appreciate all the help so far guys. This is really helping me a lot! I think I'm starting to form a list I would like to do soon after a few more questions :)


In my heavy slot (3 only right?) I think I like the predator because it has the front side of 13 so it will be hard to kill. Have seen a few armies with the dreadnought though but its only av12. Why would you choose it over the predator? Pretty much same price...2 las cannons so its stronger...longer range with las cannons. Moves faster also.


If I decided on the auto cannon lascannon on sides predator would you take 3 of them or 3 vindicators instead? Their cannon looks super strong haha :)

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@Grizzly: Thanks for the suggestions. and links. I'll check out the storm raven one especially! I haven't thought about it. Isn't it easier for people who have tons of missile launchers like space wolves and all the strength 8 shots and stuff to blow up my storm raven transport over a land raider? Agree completly about playing a fun list though. I want to compete in tournaments and thats my mindset as I go into this but i want to have fun too :P


@Redfinger: I'm in Texas ;) yeehaw :P lol! I am a very calculating player when I do magic. I play normally control decks if you know what those are. Where I can take on multiple decks and I don't really have any specific weaknesses. Very well rounded is normally how I play things. Thanks for the blog post link.

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as said welcome. and unlike some armys were balance with regards that we ca shoot or do cc. but due to the relatie eas we can give he entire army furious charge and even fnp, and that our assault marines are troops and therefore scoring... also every armys mech is quitedifferent. ours is faster than the wolves, and using synargy of chaplins/libarians/priests it can be awsome. dont getme wrong space woles are good at cc, but as we can be faster and stronger and hit more we can be better at cc than them.

also the assaultmarine veichle discount helps towards the mechanisation of forces. and that we have baal preds in fast, and normal preds in heavy gives us lots of shooty options. and that being fast majorly improves a tanks shootiing ability. we pay for it like but tis still worth it.

Finally keep asking questions its the easiest way to learn


Thanks Nathan! :) I appreciate the "keep asking questions" part a lot :P


Ok so unlike most other armies we are a very balanced army and that's how we are suppose to play to be most effectively? It seems that we are kind of like orcs then since we move up with vehicles with CC units like Rhinos and LR's and then have support from our shooting baals and normal predators. Like they move up with trukks and wagons and have support with lootas...Is this how we should be playing? In other words, moving up with CC units in transports while other support things shoot enemies down?


as much as it pains me to say it, Blood Angels and Orks are very similar in playstyle. We both rely on Furious Charge to win the day. I play orks very often, and when we play, it is all about maneuvering, and the one who makes the first mistake and gets a little too close gets charged, and that can often be the game decider, the outcome of the entire game happening on turn 2/3 with a movement miscue of sometimes just 1". This is how I play, and it has worked out well for me. Throwing a Stormraven with DC/DCDread right down their throat, steady advance with my Assault squads, and fire support from Baals/Preds.


Also...about moving up fast to get our guys into CC while they receive support. I am confused about the razorback and "spam" that people do with it. It's cool that they get discounts on the vehicle so they get that weapon on top...but the inside unit of 5 guys seems really crappy for CC. How does an army that just masses this razorback + 5 man assault squad thing even do well in CC? Isn't that our strength and we should be using our Assault squads for that? Seems 5 assault squads wont scare anyone much :P Or am I missing some special rule or something they have that makes them real good?


that is the thing, you don't want to get your 5 man Assault squad in assault, you use the crapton of razorbacks to shoot the ;) out of the enemy and as fast scoring units/obj. contesters. a Razorspam list is geared more around shooting the peewater out of the enemy and outmaneuvering them


That brings up another thing. Wouldn't Rhinos and Land Raiders be better for transporting CC units so you can have more of them?


it depends on what you are wanting to do. Both sides have pros and cons, without Razorbacks, one must find fire support somewhere else. Every list needs to be built around an idea, a goal, a theme if you will, with every piece playing a vital part.


Are our assault squads really that great in close combat? Seems like 10 of them will lose to an orc nob squad or boys squad of 20+. How are we suppose to use them? Other armies close combat stuff have 2 or more attacks base + the extra one from those 2 close fighting weapons. Ours only has 1 base? Even though so many people talk about them with great respect and how awesome they are I just don't see any CC power from them as much...


the key is controlling the charge. As a Blood Angel, you want the charge. Blood Angels are a very offensive army, with all of their buffs being geared toward you getting the charge. an assault squad with Furious charge is a scary thing. I like to keep my assault squads close so they can counter charge/dual charge. Then with a unit like the sanguinor, you can deep strike him within 6" and give them all +1 attack in combat. It's all about synergy, getting all the different aspects of your army working together.

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@Grizzly: Thanks for the suggestions. and links. I'll check out the storm raven one especially! I haven't thought about it. Isn't it easier for people who have tons of missile launchers like space wolves and all the strength 8 shots and stuff to blow up my storm raven transport over a land raider? Agree completly about playing a fun list though. I want to compete in tournaments and thats my mindset as I go into this but i want to have fun too :P


it makes up for its low armor by its incredible movement. I leave mine off the board, and let it move on from my table edge, 24" into the center of the board. I now have a flying tank that ignores melta less than 12" away from your lines with a 4+ cover save. Most armies will waste all their firepower on it, keeping the rest of your army safe from the big guns. Most of the time it will survive, and you are within assault range for your next turn. If it does die, as improbable as it is, your squads are still halfway across the board already. it has some killer firepower as well, and Power of the Machine Spirit. I always take extra armor on mine, as i always want to be able to move it.

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storm raven- some love it, some hate it. im in the middle on it but its the price that puts me off it. i dont have a job so low money... and i would convert the thing so heavly...(replacing the glass canopy with the baal front plate, cuttig up the top etc...) never mind that my iron warriors are waiting to get a knight converted for their hq...lol.

Also as your new dont buy rhino kits! always buy the razorback as for the price difference you get the options to feild it as either. best o have the flexibility.

also ill mention death co. they are one of the best unit in the game, when used right. unfortunately they arnt as good this edition as last, but they are still good. their problem is jump packs. they cost far too much for them. nearly doubles the price of the marine. and dosent help with rage. if you take them pop them in a transport, with either a chaplin or reclusiarch. now the tricky bit is the special characters for them. tycho cant join them, and lemmy and astro have jump packs... so if you want them id advise a raven for sure. if you take death co then also look into the death company dreads too...

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The way my list was evolving in my head after all of your guys great suggestions was to have just 1 Land Raider isntead of multiple. Origianlly I was thinking of putting in an assault Terminator squad but now maybe a Chaplain + deathcompany will be better? Then an empty storm raven with a Dread on it?


I'm still not 100% sold on the storm raven though. I can reserve it but dont reserves only come in on turn 2? And thats a maybe right? So what if it doesn't come in till way later? When I play magic for example I like having thigns I know can happen if I need it to. I don't want to "maybe" have something work out. I'd rather have something that I can make use of asap :P

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@Grizzly: Thanks for the suggestions. and links. I'll check out the storm raven one especially! I haven't thought about it. Isn't it easier for people who have tons of missile launchers like space wolves and all the strength 8 shots and stuff to blow up my storm raven transport over a land raider? Agree completly about playing a fun list though. I want to compete in tournaments and thats my mindset as I go into this but i want to have fun too :rolleyes:


I find that my stormravens have done a pretty good job and, maybe they've been lucky, but I think a key is pairing them with VV, who can Deep Strike and kill an enemy squad on the turn they come in -- usually long fangs, for example.

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Hi teemoki! I've been playing 40k for over a decade, and I am also starting a new Blood Angel army. The interesting thing is that I am in much the same position as you regarding the army, even though I know the mechanics of the game inside and out. Unfortunately, list building, finding out what works and what doesn't, is really a process of trial and error. The best you can hope for is asking questions like this on the internet, getting a rough idea of what will work, and then hoping you don't waste your money on a bunch of stuff that isn't gonna work for you.


Try borrowing people's stuff and playing a few games. You'll get a much better feel for what's gonna work for you and what won't. Unfortunately, there is no substitute for experience.


I don't know if anyone answered your question about "why powerfists?", but, the thinking is that they are pretty much mandatory in assault squads. 1) they pretty much kill anything they hit, and 2) what if that squad gets assaulted by a dreadnought? They would have no way to deal with it without a fist. Furthermore, the fist is great for assaulting tanks and instakilling characters. The versatility and sheer power is well worth the additional 10 points.

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I use a Vindicator to great effect, in fact I always use mine. If it is marines you penitrate thier armour, and if it is a jibbering horde, BIG BLAST takes care of them. And the best part is ....... 12 in. movement, fire str. 10 demo cannon, and the free storm bolter that comes with it fires as defensive weapon. :) And the bonus is that if your opponent blows your nice destructo cannon off......... then give his vehicles or monsters a FLAT OUT 18 in. TANK SHOCK!


Stratagy, deploy behind a big object, on your turn move twelve inches to get into position, and then let them have it!

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The way my list was evolving in my head after all of your guys great suggestions was to have just 1 Land Raider isntead of multiple. Origianlly I was thinking of putting in an assault Terminator squad but now maybe a Chaplain + deathcompany will be better? Then an empty storm raven with a Dread on it?


I'm still not 100% sold on the storm raven though. I can reserve it but dont reserves only come in on turn 2? And thats a maybe right? So what if it doesn't come in till way later? When I play magic for example I like having thigns I know can happen if I need it to. I don't want to "maybe" have something work out. I'd rather have something that I can make use of asap :devil:


the storm raven can do a first turn alpha strike firing off all its blood missles, las-cannons and whatever else may be in range so if there is a unit on the opposite side of the table you want to get rid of you have a fair chance of doing it.


Reserves in 40k are interesting as you start with a 1850 army vs 1850 - reserves but what happens when reserves get deployed is interesting it changes the dynamic because of the way that the reserves come on the board (deep strike, drop pod, flank etc) and now you have a full unit untouched and 100% functional or smeared on the side of terrain its a gamble potentially high risk but high reward.


The land raider will be the strong point on your list most likely taking a lot of fire because whatever you put in there will dish out pain but you can make your list stronger if you add something that your normal list lacks ie if your list lacks the ability to take out hordes throw death company and chaplain in there if it cant handle monstrous creatures throw in assault terminators and a priest.

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mmm, you cant fire the storm bolter in addition to the demolisher cannon.... but yea vindicators do rock, good for hurting thinga that assault cannons and the like dont...

Love vindicators. I usually run 2, I now own 3.

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mmm, you cant fire the storm bolter in addition to the demolisher cannon.... but yea vindicators do rock, good for hurting thinga that assault cannons and the like dont...

Love vindicators. I usually run 2, I now own 3.





I have been convinced, after never running them before, to take a vindi or two.


If the vets on this board can make them work, then they must be alright!

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