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Hi there :) New BA Intro and Questions


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There are many different builds available. You will find that for competitive play you will attempt to use a spammed list ie DOA or armor list. I responded to your potential army list post with suggestions for modifying the 2xLR list which I liked. And I really like the modified list I wrote for you. I'm currently working on something similar that utilizes a storm raven is still a mixed more friendly list. It increases the number of target the opponent will have to choose from, target saturation, and includes a librarian with shield of sanguineous to increase the resilience of your armor. By spamming armor you are able to force your opponent to make tough decisions in regards to where they are going to direct their At firepower which leads to mistakes or a general insufficiency in firepower. With armor spammed lists it is very important to take out enemy AT quickly. Once their access to AT is diminished a armor spam list can have the run of the table.


BA are capable of fielding tremendously powerful CC units, though it requires numbers and usually some form of upgrades. A 10man Assault squad with a powerfist(to ignore armor, wound on 2s, hurt MCs, and threaten vehicles) and two meltaguns is capable of destroying armor and throwing a descent amount of attacks at the enemy, though this is greatly improved if there is a FNP bubble nearby. Furioso dreads also lend credence to BA CC prowess. A 5 man upgradeable assault squad is terrible in combat shouldn't be used for anything more than a scoring vehicle.

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