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Could I? Should I?


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OK so I wanted to get a census on how everyone feels about my idea for a BA army (its between this idea, Lamenters and Flesh Tearers). In the shiny new Codex it states...


"There are other surviving Chapters whose names and traditions would suggest a connection with the Blood Angels-the Blood Swords and Blood Ravens amongst them- but these Chapters don not claim Sanguinius' lineage, truthfully or otherwise"


If you couldn't tell I want to discuss the idea of Blood Ravens using C:BA. I always thought they would be perfect what with Blood in their name and all (plus they have a stylized Raven with a blood drop for their symbol) but I wanted to know what you all thought about it. Would it make sense to use C:BA for Blood Ravens (keeping a low down on Death Company and such) or should I just say :lol: it and tuck them back into C:SM and choose one of the other choices? I love the color scheme and just think their def. sons of Sanguinius. Please let me know as I think this would be a great discussion.



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Ah! See now I knew there was something about them being a secret Thousand Sons successor but it seems so right to go with Blood Angels. Also sorry for re-making another thread if there was one already, just a spur of the moment wanting others thoughts and such.



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As a rule, BA players are pretty relaxed with our Dex.


We know that were the flavour of the month (until GK are, and thatll be next week) so were ready for a lot of people to stop using BA lists soon enough.


We also played with a god-awful PDF for far too long, which has resulted in quite a few re-entering the gaming side of the hobby with the new Dex.


Go for it, if you like the play style then stick with it and be proud.



Ive been running my worldeaters with Ba dex for a while now, and it works great so why not BR? *ducks accusations of heresy*

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Mr.Malevolent, you are perfectly welcome to use our codex to represent the Blood Ravens if you wish. I'm not sure how well it fits, but I must admit not knowing a lot about Blood Raven fluff other than the belief that they are Thousand Sons successors.
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Thanks Emperors Immortals! Yeah I actually used that ridiculous PDF way back when. I just picked up the Codex a few days ago and fell back in love with them. Once I decide I'll probably post some pics and see what you guys think (although I'm leaning heavily toward Blood Ravens). I always like to get opinions and ideas from others so this helps with my final decision making (Emperor knows I need it since I'm always so short on cash). Again thanks!


Mr.Malevolent, you are perfectly welcome to use our codex to represent the Blood Ravens if you wish. I'm not sure how well it fits, but I must admit not knowing a lot about Blood Raven fluff other than the belief that they are Thousand Sons successors.


Yeah there really isnt much fluff on them. Even their IA article was short and left lots of holes in their background. I know their heavy on Librarians so it gives me an excuse to field Liby Dreads :lol: Thanks for your input I really appreciate it.



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The only similar traditions they share with the Blood Angels are the high number of librarians, red armor, and a pattern of dreadnought with two DCCW.


They do not practice ensanguination, they do not have a Sanguinary Priesthood, they do not have a Sanguinary Guard, and they do not suffer from the Flaw.


I believe the best way to represent the Blood Ravens would be the standard codex, but go for it if you can justify a counts-as priest. (Hey, if Night Lords and World Eaters can do it, why not another Loyalist?)

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Thanks Haunter! Yeah I know exactly what you mean. I guess the best way to use Priests would be to call them "Super Apothecaries" Haha. I've been playing Dawn Of War/ Winter Assault/ Dark Crusade again after a bit of time away and that was a huge inspiration for this idea. I would steer away from things like Sanguinary Guard and Death Company and like I said field a nice number of Libys and Dreads/Librarian versions. Oh and I cannot beleive how many people use the BA list for Night Lords. It seems like everyone playing Night Lords is using it these days.....



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now don't take this as a personal attack, i just HATE the blood ravens.


when i first saw my brother playing DoW and saw red marines i was like "WHAT A WARHAMMER GAME WITH BLOOD ANGELS? <3 <3 <3 <3" then he said "no they're blood ravens. they're different" sufficiently deflated i asked "how" at that time he had no real good answer.


i feel like they created a whole new chapter to use in the game when the BA would have worked just fine. it's like reinventing the wheel almost. i mean even the chapter symbol is almost exactly the same.


btw this inspired me to create this. feel free to join



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Ha ha nice! To each their own brother. I never knew anyone held that much hate for them.



i refuse to play DoW for that reason actually, but ya...i think their whole chapter should burn




They created the Chapter so they could have free reign and not tread on the toes on existing fans.


Imagine if they'd written Mephiston turned into a Chaos fool and got smoked by Dante? Imagine the outrage!


Seems like wisdom to me.

That you want them to burn because they are not Blood Angels?!.... words escape me.


Why would you share that with someone who is just starting out his force?!

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wait the templar is sicking up for traitors? ;) Yea i hate them too(blood ravens i means) game wise do what you want. fluff wise use codex spacemarines. after all they are even pictured in there. also everychapter should have access to duel ccw dreads. its strange when templars are out done in cc by a codex marines dread...(ironclad)specially wen fluff wise they have the durendal or whatever its spelled...

if you want to use our codex just be careful what you use. only ba succesors have the baal fr instance, and the death co, id be careful with sanguard though im sure you could just use them like honour squads. just be prepared for the occasional insult for doing them. it happens. thats why i generally play succesors of my own devising, actually the nly things that i have that are 'codex' are iron warriors and badmoon orks...

but ya do it if you want...

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Hey, long story short, its your money do what makes you happy. If you want to run Blood Ravens as a BA successor, knock yourself out. Just don't be surprised if, scratch that, WHEN people give you dirty looks and call you things like heretic. I would probably be one of those people giving you a dirty look, but hey, its your cash, your army.


BTW I am extremely happy they did not use BA for that messed up story line. Like any of the other space marine chapters would let something like a chapter master falling to chaos slide. I just imagine what happens when this news hits the Fang. All of a sudden you have a lot of angry wolves who are a little ticked about the example they set with the Thousand Sons and librarian chapter masters falling to chaos was obviously ignored and they are going to feel the need to set a new one. And they are probably not going to be alone in the thought.

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See now with all that horrible craptastic fluff, I'm throwing it away and giving them a nice new set. Some people may hate me for it but hey we all have our opinions and I really like them . I think the whole linking them to Thousand Sons as a successor is the dumbest idea I've ever heard of. It would have been way easier to just name them a BA's successor and say "they've got a lot of mystery surrounding their birth and such (all records lost) and they have a larger number of Librarians" (without a better handling on the falling to Chaos stuff), hell I cringed when reading Thousand Sons and McNeil just throws in the "I see ravens covered in blood... BLOOD RAVENS... blah blah blah" and all that nonsense of future visions.

Between the games with their whacky storyline (the Librarian Chapter Master is lured to Chaos by Khorne? Really? REALLY?) and those crappy BL books that set the fluff way out there again, I want to just cleanse them of their sins so to speak and make my own home-brewed fluff for them. I mean to be honest, when I played the first DOW I thought they were a Blood Angel successor (by the way I never played the Campaign past the first few battles, I just liked the random battles you could play) and when I learned what was supposed to be their "fluff" I shook my head and sighed heavily.

I understand why people would hate them but like Leonaides, Marshal Wilhelm and Tabgoi said I'm glad they didn't use Blood Angels and then go make Mephiston into a daemon prince or Dante turns to Khorne or some crap. At least they used their own "creation".

I just like them, always have and as a fan I want to make them , in my own way, fit better into a successor role for Blood Angels and lose the Thousand Sons :tu:. Anyways I'll get to work on it and post some "fan-fluff" maybe in IA as I will be wearing the signature of shame for failing the LPC 2011 challenge and would like to serve my penance.



Edit: Oh and evilbeetles thats one of my "fan-fluff" ideas!


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Well, i understand what people are saying on this thread about being put out, but they are your little plastic men and your universe so do what you really want to!!!


If you want to, you could start a company that isnt documented on the games, which may or may not break away from there chapter over the game fluff and may or may not be on a penitant crusade (just a quick idea so you can keep all of the iconography and company markings and have a good justification to kick-start your own background.)


You could even design a sucessor chapter if you like.


there your little plastic men enjoy the hobby.

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Thanks emperor's immortals. It comes down to either going with something you described or just re-envisioning the Chapter as a whole. I've been a huge fan of Chaplain Desmodus and followed (more like stalked) his take on the ++flesheaters++ and have been inspired to do a re-envisioning in the same scope as he had done. I like both ideas and like I said I just seek opinions and what people think of my idea, so again thank you!



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Ha ha nice! To each their own brother. I never knew anyone held that much hate for them.





I don't hate all of them but I do really and truly HATE Cyrus and his stupid haircut.

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