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Blood Hawks versus GK

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I had a quick game today vs. Gk using my Bh.


I took a heavy mech list - 2 preds, 2 riflemen, 3 tacs + rhino, RaS, VV. Tying up a GK squad with the VV was just possible (much better points wise to use Ras w/ priest), RaS finished them off.


The cross fire from the preds and the tac squad combine with the cover form tehre rhinos let me open fire on 1 or 2 unis at a time, and they died pretty quick.From there i used melta and plasma (im a huge fan of plas) to flood his Termies with saves, they died off after 2 rounds.


The Vindi assassin and the GK master guy were teh problems really.Vindi could pick out spec weapons or priests form acoss teh board and also preds failry easy - and the Master was a beast in CC.


We called it a draw - but it was a mutaul annihalation!


I think we can do well against GK with our ability to go Mech, infantry or DoA and still being strong mixing it up a little.




Batrep when i have time :P

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I have a 1000 point batrep against the new GK in my blog.


They look really good, are not the easiest thing to take down with the potential for I6 power weapons.

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I have a 1000 point batrep against the new GK in my blog.


They look really good, are not the easiest thing to take down with the potential for I6 power weapons.


They can swing at I10 with psychic power Quicksilver. That's a problem even for the Sanguinor, Dante and Lemartes. Death Company I don't think is going to work well unless you get a little crazy and take a really huge squad. Stormshields and psychic hoods will help to counter GK in close combat. It's all about ID versus Paladins and Grand Masters.


I look forward to reading your batrep.


G :P

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