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An old newbie returns to BA. Help converting old collection.


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Hi all! I'm currently bored with all my other armies and was digging through my stuff and I found my 'Iron Templars' unfinished Black Templar army. It includes the following...


Terminator Libby

Terminator Chappy

Ven Dread w/ AC/ML

Dread w/ AC/Fist

4 Termies w/ Sarge/AC

10 Tactical Marines w/ Fist/Plasma/ML

8 BP/CCW Marines (Command squad)

2 Rhinos

10 Assault Marines with loads of random Combat Shields, Power Weapons and Pistols.


I was thinking of re-themeing the list to be a Crusades and Angels list. Basically adding Dante and 2+ Sanguinary Guard squads. A few questions;


- Which of the units should I keep in the list? Which should I lose?

- Would the addition of the Sang Guard fit in?

- What other bits do I need to add to be competitive?


Cheers in advance,


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Well first up you're going to need an extra terminator, so I'd grab an AOBR one off ebay, bitzbox or somwhere like. The pistols and power weapons on your assault marines have been nerfed and removed respectively (sergeants excepted). We don't have venerable dreads, so you'd have to use it as a regular one. If you wanted Dante you'd need to take Chappy as an elite, or (my suggestion) turn him into a Sanguinary priest. The Sanguinary Guard would be a cool later addition, but just remember how sickeningly vulnerable they are to battle cannons and the like. If you were to go for an elite jump pack unit, recieved wisdom is that either Vanguard or Jump DCs with a chaplain or Lemartes are better options. That said the models are killer, so if you like them then take them. I'm guessing your 10 assault marines have jump packs?


That'd give you:


HQ 1 - Dante

Troops 1 - 5 Sanguinary guard (take a chapter banner, maybe a power fist but no death masks as Dante has one)


HQ 2 - Librarian

Elites 1 - 5 terminators with assault cannon

Elites 2 - Sanguinary Priest/Chaplain with terminator armour


Troops 2 - 10 man tactical squad with power fist, missile launcher and plasma gun

Transport - Rhino


Troops 3 - 10 man assault squad with jump packs


Troops 4 - 8 man assault squad

Transport - Rhino


Heavy 1 - Dread with AC and ML


Heavy 2 - Dread with AC and BF


That's seriously light on tank busting, so I'd bump the rhino mounted assault squad up to 10 and swap the pistols on both for two meltaguns. It'll cost you two CC attacks per unit but thats seriously worth it when you consider that you've only got three things that can bother armour 14 in your army, and one of those needs to get within 3". The two extra marines will cancel this for the rhino squad and give you the option of combat squadding them. Other than that once you've taken those, I'd look at maybe a fast vindicator to add some really versitile firepower to the army.

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sickeningly vulnerable to battlecannons? Say whut?! With their 2+ save they're amazingly safe vs battlecannons. Demolishers on the other hand, go thru them like butter. Vanguard and dc suffer to battlecannons, not sang guard. That squad should have a pfist in, and at least 1 inf pistol. I'll try and drop by with a better list when i'm home and have computer.
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Hi all! I'm currently bored with all my other armies and was digging through my stuff and I found my 'Iron Templars' unfinished Black Templar army. It includes the following...


Terminator Libby

Terminator Chappy

Ven Dread w/ AC/ML

Dread w/ AC/Fist

4 Termies w/ Sarge/AC

10 Tactical Marines w/ Fist/Plasma/ML

8 BP/CCW Marines (Command squad)

2 Rhinos

10 Assault Marines with loads of random Combat Shields, Power Weapons and Pistols.


I was thinking of re-themeing the list to be a Crusades and Angels list. Basically adding Dante and 2+ Sanguinary Guard squads. A few questions;


- Which of the units should I keep in the list? Which should I lose?

- Would the addition of the Sang Guard fit in?

- What other bits do I need to add to be competitive?


Cheers in advance,




Everything you have is useful so no worries, you just may need to buy a bit here and there to flesh out a more coherent list.


Your assault marines with power weapons, combat shields, ect, will most likely work perfectly as a heavily kitted Vanguard Veteran squad. Other than that it looks like you just need one more Terminator and everything else is legal.


Blood Angels have tons of builds that are competitive, so it will come down to more of a how do you want to play them? You have the beginnings of what looks like a mech BA force, but if you want to buy Dante, 10 Sang Guard, with what you have you could start doing Descent of Angels rather quickly. Dante, 2 SG, 1 VV, and around 20 assault marines combined with a priest or two would surely have you at around 1500 points. On the other hand, with the Rhinos, Termies, and such, you could probably grab a Storm Raven to caddy Term's and a Dread, and buy a few more vehicles to mech up fully instead. I personally didn't like the feel of mech with jumpers mixed in, but you may.

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Well I'm thinking of getting some new arms for those Dreads. A Lascannon and Missile Launcher for each IMO. Good idea?


Also I like the idea of combined Mech and Jump. Hide the Assault Marines behind the Rhinos etc.


I'll post a list tomorrow after I've slept on it.

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