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Combat squading and transports.


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I noticed recently that the current codex seems to have dropped the requirement for squads to be small enough to fit in their transports when purchasing them. Is this correct or is the rule now listed elsewhere. Would it therefore be acceptable to purchase a razorback for a 10 man squad, combat squad it, then put one squad in the razorback and use the other for objective camping? Could I do the same with Land Raiders and ten man terminator squads to save on elite slots?


On a side note I noticed the standard land raider in C:SM has a capacity of twelve but ours only carries ten. Is this deliberate or has it been FAQed? I want to buy a land raider to carry my termis and sanguinary priest, but if they can't use it I'll have to get an incinerator or crusader.

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Q: Some Space Marine squads can take a Razorback as a

dedicated transport. A Razorback has a transport capacity

of six models. Can you still choose this as a dedicated

transport for a squad with more than six models? (p77)

A: Yes.


Taken from Space Marine FAQ: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...Version_1_1.pdf

Morollan covered the razorback question.


As for Land Raiders, GW has admitted they made a mistake when they raised capacity to 12 in Codex Space Marines and all books since have returned the number to 10. Codex Space Marines will be changed to 10 when they get updated.

Yeah Crusader was raised to 16 and LR to 12 with the latest edition of C:SM. For us they kept the crusader bump but ditched the one for the Land Raider. It's annoying becasue it means you can't put a terminator squad with an independent character in one, as you can with C:SM. The answer IMHO is to make 4 man terminator command squads available to all.
Would it therefore be acceptable to purchase a razorback for a 10 man squad, combat squad it, then put one squad in the razorback and use the other for objective camping? Could I do the same with Land Raiders and ten man terminator squads to save on elite slots?

And your answer here is, yes again. A 10-man squad can take a Razorback, put a 5-man squad + attached IC in the transport and leave the other 5 in cover, guarding an objective. That’s a perfect application of the versatility of this rule.


Note also that “dedicated” transports are only dedicated during deployment. You can take a 10-man squad + transport and not put any of them in the transport upon deployment. The transport vehicle can then be used by any other friendly squad on the table as you desire. The other squad can’t be in the transport during deployment but they can embark during the first turn’s movement phase & cruise around the rest of the game.


Cheers, -OMG


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