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Sons of Orar, 4th Company Strike Force


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This is where the finished stuff goes right? ;)


If you haven't been following it, I've had a project log going for around six months now. Now the army is finally finished and I wanted to share some pictures. Here we go.


Sons of Orar, 4th Company Strike Force




HQ: Librarian



Elites: Dreadnought



Troops: Tactical Squad A



Troops: Tactical Squad B



Rhino Transports: Ares and Perses



Fast Attack: Land Speeders



Heavy Support: Deimos and Phobos



Here's a few more group pictures, with tank naming and number conventions, plus a full posed army shot.





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Congratulations. It must feel good to have a playable army painted to such a high standard. Threads like this inspire me to get back into painting my own marines. If my venerable dreadnought comes out half as good as this one I will be very pleased.
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well done sir! (raises tankard in salute!) :)


I don't have a tankard (will a whiskey flask do?) but you have my congratulations all the same. :sweat:


Tempted to do more or are you seeing things in red and white now? :rolleyes:

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The style and visual impact of your models is intense. I love the red! Great recipe, whatever it is.


Fabulous, cohesive unit you have there.

Thank you. I was going for a crisp, clean "fresh off the Strike Cruiser" look, rolling on their way to the battlefield.

Red is done with Army Painter Pure Red primer basecoat > Baal Red wash > Blood Red/P3 Khador Red on armour plates > Devlan Mud wash in the joins > Blazing Orange highlight.


well done sir! (raises tankard in salute!) ^_^


I don't have a tankard (will a whiskey flask do?) but you have my congratulations all the same. :tu:


Tempted to do more or are you seeing things in red and white now? :tu:

yeah...you planning to do more sons of orar? ;)

I'm definitely looking to add at least another 500pts, maybe bring it up to 2000pts if I'm feeling plucky. Depends if I get distracted with shiny new projects in the mean time.

You know how it is :lol:

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Very, very nice. I always liked "factory fresh" Marines because they are so striking -- especially in bold colors. I imagine they spend all that time transiting the warp re-painting and re-polishing their gear. I think you've got just the right amount of weathering.
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Am I the only one who sees a Sons of Orar coloured baby chair (?) on the fridge door in the middle of most of those pictures? Admit it - you're involved in some Ad Mech program aren't you!

But very nice crisp models there, Wish I could get my red like that.

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this is an amazing army i love how they look. this fresh and crisp look like they are just going into battle and know they are gonna take some names talk about kicking in the face of *insert random enemy of the Imperium*


anyway i really want to know... how did you make that autocannon for the dreadnought. I've had my fair share of attempts at making such weapons.. and well to be honest one of them is still jokingly refered to as Vene-compensation because i had to make one using 2 pred autocannon barrels...

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this is an amazing army i love how they look. this fresh and crisp look like they are just going into battle and know they are gonna take some names talk about kicking in the face of *insert random enemy of the Imperium*


anyway i really want to know... how did you make that autocannon for the dreadnought. I've had my fair share of attempts at making such weapons.. and well to be honest one of them is still jokingly refered to as Vene-compensation because i had to make one using 2 pred autocannon barrels...

Thanks buddy. I've been keeping a project log in the WIP forum for a while now, where I went over how I did the conversion. Instead of repeating the technique here, I'll just link you straight to the post. It's pretty simple (if you've got the parts). Predator barrels would certainly look a bit beefier though!

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