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Drop Pods


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I just got two drop pods to replace my rhino. I have a libby dread and a DC dread with blood talons. Would it be a good idea to drop pod both of them over another type of unit? I also have sang guard, RAS, TAC, Death Company and a squad of termies. I am just trying to figure out the best way to use them and could use some advice. Thanks in advance... :)
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If you're dropping a dread (arrives on turn 1) you need to have either alot of veichles deployed or make the dread a shooty furioso (frag cannon + flamer or melta and maybe a magna grapple)


My exp with dropping talon furioso dreads are that they get killed before they do anything(only have 2 veichles in my entire army... so they recive alot of dakka)


a tac squad to claim late gam objectives could be mean (you need 2 pods then so you can reserve them)

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Ive found it really useful to DP a squad of DC with a chappie, just let em go to town.


I give them bolters and pair them with a TAC squad in a pod - thats 38 bolter shots plus spec plus DC will handle the CC and TAC takes the rest.


Great diversion for me so far, real effective points wise.


You could also take a teleport homer for a termie squad with attached priest, have them surround teh TAC squad, make the priet leave and join the tacs and use the tacs to claim an abjective nearby and the termies/DC to sweep through the enemy deployment zone. - sneaky and effective.

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If you're dropping a dread (arrives on turn 1) you need to have either alot of veichles deployed or make the dread a shooty furioso (frag cannon + flamer or melta and maybe a magna grapple)


My exp with dropping talon furioso dreads are that they get killed before they do anything(only have 2 veichles in my entire army... so they recive alot of dakka)


a tac squad to claim late gam objectives could be mean (you need 2 pods then so you can reserve them)


I'd rather do a first turn objective or terrain grab with the tacticals and keep the furioso in reserve. Tacticals are better objective sitters than takers so getting them in early is wise. The dread is a threat to everything but easier to take out, better bring him in late when the rest of your army is already stuck in and he can act as your reserve.

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I usually drop a furioso with frag cannon, meltagun blood fist and magna grapple in on the first turn. You have a good chance of taking out pretty much everything you drop it next to. I usually pick a transport with a hard hitting combat unit in or take out any anti armour. This gives the rest of my vehicles a chance to catch up under far less fire and usually distracts my opponent from the Stormraven racing across the board.
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