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Sanguinary priests in blood angels DOA force.

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Hi guys!!I decided to run a blood angels DOA force and I need your help on some units.


How many sanguinary priests shold i run in my 2000 pts DOA force?

Considering that I have Dante as a commander joined by 5 sanguinary guard

What wargear shoul my sang priests take?


I'd say two should be enough if you position your troops cleverly so they benefit from cover or even block LoS.

Dante and the 5 SG should always benefit from the priest's bubble as the S5-attacks really make a difference when fighting T4 + opponents.


How did you equip your Sanguinary Guard? If you added a Powerfist, I'd say the attached priest will need a powerweapon to make up for the loss of the init 5 attacks.

If you plan to run your priest with your assault squads, i wouldn't see a powerweapon as necessary as that priest comes in at 75 points already and another 15 pts might be a bit over the top. Also, the PW wounds can be allocated on one guy when you put out enough regular non-pw wounds with your assault squad.

I only equip my priest(s) with a JP, but I normally play 1750 games. :blink:


Hope this was of use for you.




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Hi guys!!I decided to run a blood angels DOA force and I need your help on some units.


How many sanguinary priests shold i run in my 2000 pts DOA force?

Considering that I have Dante as a commander joined by 5 sanguinary guard

What wargear shoul my sang priests take?


I equip all my Sang Priests with a Lightning Claw and a Jump Pack. I find that works out the best for me, if I have spare points and nowhere to go I'm not against giving them an Inferno Pistol as well but that's just pushing it with a one-wound, no ++ save model.


I play 1750 pts and I run 2-3 priests, usually 2. Either Librarian's Honor Guard has a built in Priest, and then I put a SP in each RAS, or I run Dante with a Sang Guard, Priest, and then put the second one in with an assault unit. At 2000 points I'd say 2-3 is what I'd still shoot for.

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I am going to equip all of my sanguinary guard with infernus pistols.

And give them a power fist. Can such build be efficient?

Taking into consideration that i play against MEQ armies


No, I don't think that this build is viable in any way.

Firstly, the 5 Infernus Pistols are just too expensive. I mean, you can get a whole new Sanguinary Priest for that! One Pistol will do the trick, as you've got Dante in there as well...even against MEQ armies, this is too much. You don't want to shoot them marines dead, but slaughter them in CC instead!

I wouldn't choose the powerfist either, but that's probably only my point of view. :)


I play a mixed force, one assault squad, one tactical squad in rhino, DC w/ JP and Lemartes, Sanguinary guard, Furioso, Baal and Landspeeders...and a Captain or Librarian as HQ, depends on my needs, and one Sanguinary Priest.



As the others already said, the Honour Guard is a very nice way to get hold on another Priest that can't be targetted in close combat.




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