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Death company dreadnought


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Right so I'm putting my DC Dread together right now and I'm not sure whether to use the heavy Flamer or the storm bolter as well as the meltagun (under the blood tallons) I think I'm gonna go for The heavy flamer and melta options but I'd like to hear your views.
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Right so I'm putting my DC Dread together right now and I'm not sure whether to use the heavy Flamer or the storm bolter as well as the meltagun (under the blood tallons) I think I'm gonna go for The heavy flamer and melta options but I'd like to hear your views.

I prefer the heavy flamer. If you are too far away to charge, you are probably running anyway so the stormbolter doesn't add much. I'd rather have the heavy flamer before the charge than 2 stormbolter shots.

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Yeah, I was thinking the heavy Flamer would be the way to go, I'll get on with building the model then.


It's so easy to put together, I've never had a plastic dreadnought before, the last one I put together was a metal chaos dread and I had to go to hospital as I super glued my fingers together :) hahaha I hate super glue now.

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So can I have the melta gun and the heavy flamer? I'm just checking now as I'm about to attach them! (sorry I don't have the new ba codex yet and I won't have it for another week yet)
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Oh sorry azza, I didn't see your comment, that answers my question about having both weapons... Yeah I'm going for the magna grapple too :cuss


My brother gave my a dready that got with 40k with a multimelta and bloodfist I believe so I think that's a nice little addition especially for free, might have to include that at some point.. He gave me a ten man tactical, space marine captin and 5 termies too but the termies all just have storm bolters and powerfists apart from the captin who has a powersword... Still, it was nice of him :cuss

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The heavy flamer and the blood talons or blood fists are kick :D in CC!


I've went blood talons, heavy flamer and melta

My next dread will be a librarian who will acompany 5 cc terminators, a terminator sang priest and a terminator Chaplin in a storm raven... Can't wait, this will be my favourite unit next to my DC SR and DC cargo of 10 DC, DC Dread and Astorath.

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Every HF is a good HF to have. :)


Don't forget they have fleet, though.


These are wise words. With a normal Furios I would take the Heavy Flamer. A truly amazing weapon. Yet as pointed out the DC Dread has fleet and rage and this means that you may need that Fleet to get into combat where this guy abosulutely shines and probably would not need the HF anyway.


Bottom line; Furioso: HF if you've got the points

DC Dread: not really necessary. Keep him cheap and very, very nasty.

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Every HF is a good HF to have. :D


Don't forget they have fleet, though.


These are wise words. With a normal Furios I would take the Heavy Flamer. A truly amazing weapon. Yet as pointed out the DC Dread has fleet and rage and this means that you may need that Fleet to get into combat where this guy abosulutely shines and probably would not need the HF anyway.


Bottom line; Furioso: HF if you've got the points

DC Dread: not really necessary. Keep him cheap and very, very nasty.


He's gonna be jumping out of a SR so I'll get him exactly where I want him and I've given him the heavy flamer and plasma gun, points aren't an issue, this guy is built to destroy... Magna grapple some vehicles and melt them with my plasma, oh what a site to behold :)

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