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Storm Raven


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Just wondering how people usually deploy their Stormravens? Is it better to keep it in reserve? Using one for the first time tonight and still haven't made up my mind. It'll be carrying my Death Company and a frag cannon Furioso. Started painting it today, but not finished it yet. WIP:




I pity the foo' that gets in its way.

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What did you use to make that 'counts as Dante' model? I really like it :cuss

Also are u painting your SR up DC colours?

I'm running 2 SR, the first is to be paint up DC colours and it's cargo are 10 DC with various power weapons and cc weapons and two infernos pistols, a Chaplin and a DC dready.

My second will be painted up regulary and it's cargo will be 5 cc termies, a termie sang priest and a librarian dready!! Can't wait to unleash the absolute pain and misery upon some poor soul..... I feel sorry for them...... Nottt, hahahah.

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Wow that Dante figure is beautiful! I recognise the Sanguinary Guard body and weapons, the crusader helmet and dark angels helmet wings, as well as the commander's cloak, but where are thewings from?
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Wow that Dante figure is beautiful! I recognise the Sanguinary Guard body and weapons, the crusader helmet and dark angels helmet wings, as well as the commander's cloak, but where are thewings from?


They're plastic Bretonnian Pegasus wings. He's also wearing BA Forgeworld Terminator shoulder pads and a Sang. Guard jump pack (which you can't really see from that picture). But other than that, you've named all the pieces I used.


I deffo think you should leave the stormraven as it is, it reminds me of the old A team van!


That's intentional :lol: I decided I was going to paint it in Death Company livery as that's what I plan to transport usually, and I've been watching a bunch of old A-Team episodes of late. So when I realised the colours were the same... ;)


Used it tonight against my friend's Dark Eldar, carrying 7 Death Company, Lemartes and a Frag Cannon Furioso. It took out two vehicles on the turn it arrived but then unfortunately got exploded by the first shot fired at it. Stranded my DC and dread too far back to make a difference. Game ended in a draw though.

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To answer your question: if you go first, go ahead and deploy it. If you go second but your opponent has little in the way of long range firepower, you can take a chance and deploy it as well. If you go second and you opponent is IG or Tau, you're probably better off reserving it indeed.
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