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Terminator sanguinary priest


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Ok so I want a terminator sanguinary priest but as far as I know there is not a model for one so I thought this would be a good opportunity for my first serious conversion!


So basically I'd like advice on first of all parts I could use and secondly techniques and method for achieving decent results... I've seen so many jaw dropping models some of you guys have put together so I know I'm talking to the right people here.. After all were the only REAL artists in the imperium :cuss

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You're gonna have to ebay Lorenzo and he won't come cheap. Going rate is about £15-20 plus shipping.


My personal advice would be to wait until the grey knights terminators are released, then head to your bitz website of choice and oreder the GK terminator narcathium hand along with one of the arms holding a nemesis force sword and a standard plastic terminator. Add some FW blood angels termi pads if your budget will stretch and maybe add a tabard and other details. Paint him in a similar colour scheme to your other sanguinary priests and you're done. Alternatively if you can get hold of a cool grail from somewhere then you can always give one to the metal terminator commander who is still available from mail order.

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Ok thanks brother.. Either way I decide to do it you have given me some good idea.. I like the idea of using the grey knights parts, are the gk termies not put yet for me to get the parts?

Also could you give me the name of a decent bits provider URL?


Ps what is 'FW blood angel terminator pads' I don't know what the fw stands for but if you could explain the whole thing I would appreciate it, thanks.

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i dont think you should bother finding the grey knight bitz. i reckon you should just buy the grey knight termie box. i am going to do that and convert them to be

1 captain with some sort of cool grey knight weapon

1 chaplain with those twin blades

1 sang priest with the narthecium

1 libby with one of those staff things with the blade on the end

1 termie with heavy flamer I.E., the incinerator


however, if you do want the bitz then go do the bitz barn, just type it into google

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FW stands for Forgeworld. They've done some cool custom Blood Angels shoulder pads for terminators which you can find here. As far as bitz services go I use bitzbox but there are others out there. You can also often pick up bitz or second hand minis with the parts you want on ebay fairly cheaply. The GK Terminators aren't out as a set until 2nd April so they'll take a little while to appear on bitz sets.
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For what its worth - this guy is simply the AoBR Terminator Sergeant, chop off an extended arm storm bolter (ie: straight arm, not bent at the elbow), swap top icon for something else suitably 'priestly' from bits box, add in Chalice from wherever (this is a Space Hulk one but you might want to look at WFB Vampire counts, Dark Elf Witch Elves, or Brettonian ranges for suitable options). Paint white and bobs your uncle. You dont need a narthecium (as its not actually a listed piece of his kit). Terminator Armour, Power Weapon, Chalice of Blood... Le job is le fish.


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For my conversion, I worried less about the chalice. I figured he'd have it tucked away somewhere safe whilst hacking up the enemies of the Emperor. My conversion starts with a hack job on Brother Omnio from the Space hulk game.


I basically sawed off the bolter and used a power sword from the Sanguinary Guard and then half a narthecium from the command squad sprue stuck on with some green stuff to smooth the edges. He's not finished because I sort of gave up on terminators.




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i dont think you should bother finding the grey knight bitz. i reckon you should just buy the grey knight termie box. i am going to do that and convert them to be

1 captain with some sort of cool grey knight weapon

1 chaplain with those twin blades

1 sang priest with the narthecium

1 libby with one of those staff things with the blade on the end

1 termie with heavy flamer I.E., the incinerator


however, if you do want the bitz then go do the bitz barn, just type it into google


What a great idea :lol: I'm sold, I'm doing this too (sorry for stealing your idea, haha)

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For what its worth - this guy is simply the AoBR Terminator Sergeant, chop off an extended arm storm bolter (ie: straight arm, not bent at the elbow), swap top icon for something else suitably 'priestly' from bits box, add in Chalice from wherever (this is a Space Hulk one but you might want to look at WFB Vampire counts, Dark Elf Witch Elves, or Brettonian ranges for suitable options). Paint white and bobs your uncle. You dont need a narthecium (as its not actually a listed piece of his kit). Terminator Armour, Power Weapon, Chalice of Blood... Le job is le fish.


I've actually go that terminator sgt unpainted, I could easily and cheaply do a similar conversion from that really :)

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'S waht I thought... A termie Sang Priest is rather specialised, especially compared to a JP priest or even one on foot so less likely to get lots of use (or at least in my armies he'll get less use). K.I.S.S. principles spring to mind - I may re-visit termie priests again, but he'll do admirably for now.
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I want a termie priest for with my 5 man cc terminator squad that will be riding in a SR along with a libby dread, ahhhh :D, hahaha, vile foes of the emperor should have came strapped with pampers to this battle field, hahahah.

In fact I'm gonna add a termie chaplin to this unit too and corbelo too if I can, effectively becoming death company terminators that keep their cool and are un 'kitable'

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I did basically the same thing as Leonidaes. I took a standard AoBR termie and cut the storm bolter out of his hand. I happened to have the bell from the Vampire Counts corpse cart laying around, so I turned it upside down to make a chalice. Then for the handle of the chalice I used half of a spike from a Chaos trophy rack attached to a piece of plasticard that I hole punched out. Bam, instant chalice.


Other than that, I decorated the termie with some spikes on his back, cut off the power sword and gave him some kind of nasty looking ork chainsword, then put a bunch of purity seals and an incense censer on him. He's a Flesh Tearer, so I wanted to give him a brutal, semi-feral look.

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I'm probably gonna use one of those terminators too although I don't really like the head I might use one of the normal terminators instead of the sgt.
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Here's an example of how I did my Termie Priest. AoBR Termie Sgt. with his head drilled out and replaced by one of my favorite marine heads. Pretty easy. Added some chain to his right hand with a grail bit attached to it. And, the grail "thing" for a banner of sorts. Swapped regular power sword for a BA winged one, and bam! Sang Priest. Hope it helps generate some ideas.



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Here's an example of how I did my Termie Priest. AoBR Termie Sgt. with his head drilled out and replaced by one of my favorite marine heads. Pretty easy. Added some chain to his right hand with a grail bit attached to it. And, the grail "thing" for a banner of sorts. Swapped regular power sword for a BA winged one, and bam! Sang Priest. Hope it helps generate some ideas.



Yeah bro they are nice, especially liking the 50/50 on the armour, the head look like alpha legion or something.

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Here's mine I started a couple of months ago. It uses Sergeant Lorenzo, Corbulos arm, some bits off an Apothecary, a Sang Guard axe and a loin cloth from somewhere. Alas my lack of mojo has stopped me finishing him. Still to decide on which head to use.


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Here's mine I started a couple of months ago. It uses Sergeant Lorenzo, Corbulos arm, some bits off an Apothecary, a Sang Guard axe and a loin cloth from somewhere. Alas my lack of mojo has stopped me finishing him. Still to decide on which head to use.



Wow, now that is really, really nice... Can you tell me how you made that? Or if you want to sell it let me know bro, ha,ha.


So you used the body of that guy from space hulk yeah? I really like this model, I think I'll replicate it to an extent!

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