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Corbulo conversion


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I'm thinking of adding a conversion based on brother Corbulo to my Angels Sanguine army, but I haven't seen the model in meat space and was wondering if someone who has it could help me.


I want to make him fit in with a) the Angels Sanguine fluff and :) modern quality space marine characters. All my Sanguinary Priests have dark angels style robes at least on their legs, and wear the same helmets as the sanguinary guard. I also want to update Corbulo's chainsword to something more beefy. I really want to include the arm from the original model with the exsanguinator and Red Grail, as well as the cool apothecary bits on his torso. Is it feasible to remve the head, legs and chainsword from the metal model without damaging the torso? Would the legs still be salvagable to use with another marine?


Many thanks in advance,


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Anything is possible... depending on your skills. The corbulo model is a bit smaller scale than the new plastics, so there is that issue. Most corbs conversions I have seen revolve around using only his grail, or grail and grail arm. Personally i think you could do better using a combo of sang guard, DA and apothacary bits. The 2 handed chainsword from the Seth model could be a fun representation for heavens teeth. You would have to find another way to incorporate the grail though.. The bare heads in either new BA plastic box are close enough to the old corbs head as well. Good luck!



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Cheers Crimson. My thinking was to use the torso from the Corbulo model along with the grail arm, a robed pair of dark angels legs, and a death company chainsword or maybe a forgeworld chainaxe. Since Angels Sanguine don't show their faces I was going to use a sanguinary guard death mask for the head.


If he's considerably smaller I guess I'm best just salvaging the arm and using a plastic apocathry torso.

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I removed the head on my Corbulo and gave him a new head, but that was as far as I went for converting him. The rest should be doable, but it would be delicate work.
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