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WYSIWYG and Furioso questions...


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First up WYSIWYG and smoke launchers on the Furioso do they need to attached to be tourney legal as they are part of the standard wargear? I ask because it makes it impossible to have the magna-grapple either magnatized or clip on loose so what do you think?


The other question I have is weapon loadouts for a Furioso what do you take and why?


I'm thinking of taking a frag cannon, and heavy flamer with a magna-grapple as an option depending on how many points I have to spare. Also would it be worth taking the searchlight for the 1pt it costs and again is it something that needs to be modelled for tourney play?

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I wouldn't bother with the searchlight unless you end up with spare points.


The smoke launchers are standard gear and can be not modeled in most areas.


I don't recommend putting a magna grapple on a frag cannon dread. Keep it shooting at troops, not vehicles.

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Easy answer first: I would pass on the searchlight. The Magna-Grapple is your longest range weapon at 12", meaning you need to roll 4+ on 2D6 to see your target during a night fight. The odds are in your favor, and you won't have to eat the round of "illuminated" shots against you in the enemy shooting phase.


Frag Cannon/Heavy Flamer is a great build (it's what I use). Either fist combination works wonderfully as well, just take care to help out a Blood Talon equipped one with supporting fire, if an enemy Dread or Land Raider is nearby.


As for the Smoke Launcher issue, I say be creative. There's no rule stating that the launcher "shall be placed in this spot only". Maybe place the launcher on the dread's back, on the area between the exhaust stacks, pointing straight up.

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