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magnetizing the stormraven


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i have just recently ordered a storm raven for my mech blood angels, it will put me up to just over 3500 points. however, at that point range i have quite a lot of models, and also tanks, and my box is just about reaching its limit.

so, i want to be able to magnetize by storm raven, probably at the wings, and also be able to easily connect and disconnect from the base, so that it will be easier to store and transport.

also, seen as i only have stormraven, i will want to change the weapon load out from battle to battle. is it possible just to slot the weapons in and out of the model, or will they need magnetizing as well?

finally i have no experience whatsoever in using magnets, what size, how to put them in etc...

can anyone help?

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Here are some posts that i have found:









I hope these help you with your questions.


I have 5 stormravens that in the process of construction and using magnets to get the most out of them. So i feel your pain.

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