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Choose a grey you like (codex? Fortress?) and add a small amount to the black.


Do a wide line, add some more grey to the mixture, do a thinner line...repeat until you do online the outmost edge with pure grey with a bit of white where you think the light should hit.


Then do a light black wash to blend the transitions.


Hope it helps!

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You do need quite sharp edge highlights on black, just to define the shape. Blended highlights need to be kept pretty subtle and restrained to soft convex areas (towards the apex of the curve on shoulder pads, backpack nozzles, towards the middle of the curve (vertically) on dreadnought exhaust panels). Generally I wouldn't highlight with blending any further than about 2:1 black / codex grey (or VMC black-grey). Keep that level of highlight at just the middle (so it's blended out immediately). When you put the sharper edge highlights on (just on the top edges of things), it'll up the contrast across the whole piece and make the subtle stuff look more so. If things start to look too grey (it'll look dusty) blend in some black to the deep shade. I usually do this after the edge highlighting so I can tidy them and keep them sharp at the same time.
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The Velajho paint range has a colour called Grey Black. Works really well as the main colour for Black Templars, etc. Adeptus Battle Grey is a great highlight for Grey Black.


I have never used it myself but a regular customer at my local gaming store recently painted Grey Black on the the new Orc and Goblin Arachnorok as a redback spider.

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