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Hello I'm completely new to chaos, so still trying to find my feet.


Currently I am at the painting and making stage. I have recently painted a demon prince in the livery of the Night Lords, and I shall be posting a photo of him (once I've managed to find the lead for my camera).


However, I have a couple of questions. The first is I'm thinking of converting some normal space marines into noise marines, hence, how would you recommend I go about this?


As you may have guessed from above, my army is to be themed around the Night Lords. I've recently read Soul Hunter, the Night Lords novel, and I seem to recall that the warriors wear capes. So my second question is this: Do the Night lords wear capes as part of their "uniform", and if so, would you recommend all the ordinary Chaos Space Marines to have capes, or only some?


Any thoughts and advice will be much appreciated.



Captain Maleck



Ave Dominus Noctis!!!

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The first is I'm thinking of converting some normal space marines into noise marines, hence, how would you recommend I go about this?

http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...showarticle=721 is a good start.


Do the Night lords wear capes as part of their "uniform"
Not at all.


would you recommend all the ordinary Chaos Space Marines to have capes, or only some?
Do whatever you want, if there is a majority of marines in your warband who wear cloaks, give them cloaks. It is your army, do with it what you wish! :)



My 2 Kraks

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hmmm? You want capes? Create a Legion that idolised the Dark Angels then went to Chaos... :o jokes, but seriously, they wear cape/robe thingies.

Oh, and for the noise marines, buy regular space marines and melt them slightly before adding the guns.

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Greetings! The wonderful thing about chaos is there's none of that beaureaucratic nonsense decreeing what you can or can't do/wear/eat/kill with your warband.


As far as im aware, Night lords dont wear capes as part of their standard uniform but there is absolutely nothing stopping you from converting your minis with suitable swishing cape action.


Chosen with human hide capes? You know you want to.


Orphus: Or as we call them: Half of the Dark angels legion....

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Firstly, welcome to the dark side.


I'm unsure what context that the capes were mentioned in the book, as I've not read it. Personally, I always think that capes/cloaks are more of a point of showing status within a legion/warband. I would imagine that no "rank and file", non-descript, regular 10,000 year old veteran who hasn't risen to a prominent role would have been mentioned in the book. I try to paint by the means that all of the models need to stand out, in some minor way, and have their own detail, feeling and customisation just due to how long they have owned that suit of PA/TDA or have been stealing dead squad members stuff or been decorating it themselves with trophies etc. However, I also realise that a) this is why I paint at a pace slower than anyone you will ever fathom and :) that then the champions, HQ's or Chosen etc really have to stand out all the more. That's why I would suggest keeping the cloaks for more prominent members of your warband.


Other than that, I cannot wait to see the DP. Good luck with the newcoming to Chaos. Have fun with it!

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ARe you trying to make a bat man army using capes and the breast plates from the blood angels kit so you have nipples on your army like batman? Shame on you!


As others have said you can do what you like :D with your army! However even if you wanted to be fluffy I do not see giving cloaks to all or some of your marines as a deal breaker!

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As you may have guessed from above, my army is to be themed around the Night Lords. I've recently read Soul Hunter, the Night Lords novel, and I seem to recall that the warriors wear capes.


I think it was just Xarl and/or Uzas.

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do some if you'd like, It's more of a personal preference per each warrior regardless what legion or idea you may be trying to go for.

Here's a few of mine, not all of my warriors have capes, but there are some who do which really mix the squads up and give it a nice chaos-y feel.




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