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Mort at Adepticon


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Heya guys,



I'll be leaving for the USof A in 2 days time. If anyone is gonna be at Adepticon this week and wants to say hi, please come and find the tall South African known as Morticon :D

Also, after that i'll be touring all over the states.


I'll be playing in the Championships on Friday and then the team tournament with our very own JamesI (and BnCs Gaganius and Mordekiem) on Sat.


Heres my army about to get some finishing touches/modelling etc.



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Wow, go mort!!!


cant wait for BR of adepticon, but well forgive you if youre slightly busy lol.


@1Drop - when i was in europe i drove from Glasgow to Naples for a pizza with my mates.i live i australia though, so it was still a short drive ;p (Newcastle Aus, actually!!)


Cool, so have you been to Newcastle in England too? (the proper Newcastle aswe have two in England, I'm from the one in the north east just bellow Scotland)

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Huh, I have never even heard of this before. My army is in COMPLETE shambles as about 70% of it is stripped and I just started painting 6 old school DC models again (really needed a break from stripping minis and drilling holes into metal for magnets). On the other hand this is only 50 minutes from my house by map quest, and knowing those roads probably 45 minutes tops. I may have to go on Friday for a bit. Registration is closed, but the site says there will still be tickets at the door first come first serve. I'd say Saturday, but I am pretty sure I have plans that day, only part of which include a hangover.
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Are you going to the u.s just for gaming?

Fair do's THAT is dedication! (Wish I had the time and money!)


Good luck :huh:


Clearly didn't bother reading his original post:



Also, after that i'll be touring all over the states.



Good luck at the tournament Morticon! Although I'm surprised this thread isn't titled Morticon at Adepticon... :lol:




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Looking forward to seeing you again Mort as well as lil Gaganius. :P

Ah! I see you know him well!


Huh, I have never even heard of this before… I have plans that day, only part of which include a hangover.

You should head over and check out the con even if you don’t get a game in. The vendors will be out in full force so you can part with some cash if nothing else. And as far as the hangover is concerned, let’s just say that you’ll be in good company. ;)


I’ll be there as well; playing in the Team Tourney & a few other events. Look for team “Darkest Hour” good number of the models will be provided by Koyote & myself.


Looking forward to seeing everyone there!


Cheers! -OMG

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Good look brother morticon (although I doubt you need it)

Are you going to the u.s just for gaming?


Gaming and hanging out/meeting up with old/new friends :D


Nice one bro, spill some blood in the name of sanguinus, or should that be *lots of blood :)

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For those that are interested,


In the Championship tourney I'll be running a mod on my 1650 and 2500 Point lists that won in both tournaments they played in.


I'm honestly not expecting to do as well, cause I believe the meta-game and player/list level at a tournament like this will be VERY different.

Thats not to say the best players down here arent as good or better than in the States, just that there are more of them - so competition will be fierce from the get go.


But, i'm looking to do as well as I can this year and meet some decent people.



Heres the list, Strike Force: Hurricane.



Libby - Rage/Fear




9 DC - 4Bolters, TH, PF, PW.

Rhino - Light

8 RAS - PF, MG


10 RAS - 2MG, PF

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - Twin Las

5 RAS - Flmr, PW

Razor - Twin Plas/Las


2 Attack Bikes- 2MM

2 Attack Bikes- 2MM

2 Attack Bikes- 2MM



1850 on the nose!

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@Morticon im sure youll do just as well in the USA, from all the tournament battle reports i can get (and theres never enough of those i tells ya) you play a smart game.When i read youd be touring all over the states i thought to myself "Is Mort a travelling professionsl on a conference tour or is he a rock star?" - your list seems pretty exciting, good to see DC with bolters (even if there brothers Ablative, Alternate wound , Random and Extra).Get em mate!!!


@OMG - Id love to see a few pics of those minis, im a big fan of yours and Koyotes work!!!


@Seahawk - are the ultras represented well in USA?


@1Drop - havent been to Newcastle England, but m newcastle is a coal and steel town too, at least until they shut the main steel works, so now theres only about 4 left.But were the biggest coal port in the southern hemisphere and one of the biggest in teh world.I know because i rode a canoe into the shipping lanes to protest when our PM snubbed the Dalai Lama.

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@Seahawk - are the ultras represented well in USA?
Never enough! :tu: From my latest observations at the Chicago bunker (basically the main American hub, though east coast is relatively strong too), there's all of me, one employee, and maybe one or two more Ultramarines players with nice armies; poor looking Ultramarines armies only exist in Space Wolves Grey and Blood Red paint schemes... :thanks: :P
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For those that are interested,


In the Championship tourney I'll be running a mod on my 1650 and 2500 Point lists that won in both tournaments they played in.


I'm honestly not expecting to do as well, cause I believe the meta-game and player/list level at a tournament like this will be VERY different.

Thats not to say the best players down here arent as good or better than in the States, just that there are more of them - so competition will be fierce from the get go.


But, i'm looking to do as well as I can this year and meet some decent people.



Heres the list, Strike Force: Hurricane.



Libby - Rage/Fear




9 DC - 4Bolters, TH, PF, PW.

Rhino - Light

8 RAS - PF, MG


10 RAS - 2MG, PF

5 RAS - MG, PW

Razor - Twin Las

5 RAS - Flmr, PW

Razor - Twin Plas/Las


2 Attack Bikes- 2MM

2 Attack Bikes- 2MM

2 Attack Bikes- 2MM



1850 on the nose!



That is a very fast list, other than the named dudes I rather like it....Good luck!


If you make it too Nor Cal, Great Escape Games in Sacramento is one of the best shops in the area!



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@Seahawk - are the ultras represented well in USA?
Never enough! <_< From my latest observations at the Chicago bunker (basically the main American hub, though east coast is relatively strong too), there's all of me, one employee, and maybe one or two more Ultramarines players with nice armies; poor looking Ultramarines armies only exist in Space Wolves Grey and Blood Red paint schemes... ^_^ :tu:


You are a regular at the Chicago Battle Bunker? I have probably been there half a dozen times in the last month since I keep noticing things I am missing that I need to redo my army (well that and them perpetually being out of green stuff which really is not optional when putting magnets in jump packs). And I am not even buying minis again yet, which is not good considering how much cash I have dropped there recently.

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Seahawk - here in Aus (well my part of it anyway) there a quite a few dedicated Ultras, ive run a Ultra force for about 12 years now, but some of these guys are even heavier into them - one guys got a Tattoo of Sicarius on his arm, real nice work too.


Im hoping that in 6th the Blue Army will be made a bit more of an attractive option, perhaps offering more unit upgrade special charcters or somethign.Dont get me wrong, i thoroughly enjoy the regular codex (thats why im starting a Sons of Medusa army) but things like BA and SW have more bling, and more unit upgrades will make an already balanced book (IMHO) even better.


Mort - im really eager to see some battle reports!!!



Does anyone know a good place to read tournie specific reports? i just cant get enough!.

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You are a regular at the Chicago Battle Bunker?
Not really...during the tournament season I'm there monthly, otherwise less often.


Seahawk - here in Aus (well my part of it anyway) there a quite a few dedicated Ultras, ive run a Ultra force for about 12 years now, but some of these guys are even heavier into them - one guys got a Tattoo of Sicarius on his arm, real nice work too.
That'd be quite a thing to see! But alas here, blue is an almost unheard of color.


My camera will also be handy, and if the reds and blues happen to get in a scrap, you'll know ;).

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Clearly didn't bother reading his original post:

Get out of the wrong side of bed did we? :cuss ;)


Still its something I would love to do, gaming while travelling.


Looking forward to seeing any battle reports and picts from this people, good luck to you all :huh:


Just facetiously poking fun at you. Don't take it seriously, you'll know when I'm aggravated ;)




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