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Mort at Adepticon


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Adepticon was so great.


I got to meet Morticon, OMG, Koyote, Black Orange for BA posters. There were a ton of BA players there, though I never faced one while there. I think the most common armies were IG, BA, and Wolves, though oddly I faced Ultramarines more than anything else (of course that was because I played against Ultra Mod Seahawk twice as well as an ultra army in the team tournament).


Really good time. Hope to be back in the future, but probably not every year.

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Well adepticon was GREAT fun.


As expected, the meta is very different and you actually get to SEE and PLAY against those insane net lists you hear/read about.


Didnt do half as well as expected, and duffed my last game with two missed things (forgot to charge and too late to use reroll from corbs) thanks to being a bit rushed- but all good.


Managed to pull 47th out of 245 players. I'm gonna get a game in with my buddy Cole tomorrow and see how that goes :lol: let him kick me around a bit since he managed to come 2nd in the entire event.


anyway- pics and stuff to follow.

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