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Forgemaster (Iron Warriors Master of the Forge)

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Hey all, Just after some feedback on a Iron Warriors HQ for a campaign myself and group are getting underway, one of my mates plays chaos and likes Iron Warriors and has an army themed around it, as they dont have anything unique in the new book i thought for the campaign it may be nice for him to have something fluff base to break up the marked units but still fill a viable roll. I myself dont play chaos so im just after some constructive feedback.


This is based of the current 5th ed SM: Master of the Forge.

I apologize I cant quite get the stats to line up with their titles.



Forgemaster: 100pts 0-1


5 6 4 4 3 4 3 10 2+


Special Rules:

Independent Character, War Smith, Hinder Defences, Siege Master.



Servo Harness (see codex SM), Boltgun or Bolt Pistol.



May Replace Servo Harness and Boltgun/Pistol with:

Conversion Beamer +20

May replace Boltgun/Pistol with:

Twinlinked Bolter +3

Combi –Flamer, -Melta, -Plasma +10

Plasma Pistol +15

May take either:

Power Weapon +15

Thunder Hammer +30

May ride a Chaos Space Marine Bike +35


Special Rules:


War Smith: See Blessing of the Omnissiah

Hinder Defences: The controlling player of the Forgemaster may select a single terrain piece in the enemy deployment. Reduce the cover save granted by this cover by -1. (ie a 4+ cover save becomes a 5+ cover save).

Siege Master: The controlling player may take a single heavy support choice more than usually allowed by the force organisation, however doing this restricts the players fast attack allowance, allowing only 1 fast attack choice.

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So a better MOTF then? I would not say it is game breaking but it does reek of cheese so a extra 1 WS 1 BS 1 attack and 1 Wound not to mention the ability to make cover worse and allows you to spam more Oblits all for a Hundred points? sure you may have gotten the poo covered end of the stick with the new codex but really.
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They have lower stats, the wargear is the same, just thought representing one of the old warsmiths, he should be a lil stronger than the standard nilla dex, though i was thinking maybe 2W instead of the 3. and yeah it is a bit for 100 pts but alot of other dexes get the same if not more for the 100 pts??
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like i said though i dont play chaos. secondly he is a bit powered up but he is intended to be it is for a large scale campaign, and being a priority target i think the fact hes missing an inv sv counters his stat corralation, but thats just my reasoning for what i did as i said after feedback =)
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